Sandra Lee to the Senate?


Amid all of the discussion regarding the impending presidential inauguration and the three-ring circus that is the Roland Burris “no-we’re-not-going-to-seat-him-OK-yes-we-are” saga, the vacant Senate seat representing the state of New York has faded a bit into the background. Plus, it was supposed to be a fait accompli that Governor Paterson was going to appoint Caroline Kennedy to the seat, so everyone assumed that was that.

But as time has gone on and Gov. P. keeps mum, people are starting to wonder. They’re also keeping an eye on the mood of the populous and asking the citizens of the state who they would like to see in the Senate. When the question was posed before Christmas, Kennedy held a slight lead over the field. But the most recent poll from Quinnipiac University shows that she’s no longer the preferred candidate among registered voters.

How is this story about food, you ask? Keep reading…

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The Anti Ketchup Brigade


With 52% of the vote, mustard was deemed the superior condiment for usage on hot dogs in a recent Endless Simmer poll. I wholly agree with the sentiment of the ES readership. Now, I knew I was correct in my thinking before we even erected the poll. But now, the National Hot Dog & Sausage Council (I swear that actually exists and retains a DC office, I love living in the District!) has released a statement commending our vote:

Cardinal etiquette rule: no ketchup on hot dog after the age of 18.

The presser actually noted Barack Obama’s visit (captured by our own Britannia) to the DC tourist destination, Ben’s Chili Bowl, but I’ll spin it to my advantage. Read the full presser over at my friend, Ms. Cavanaugh’s blog.

Bam! That’s What I’m Talking About!


Yesterday we threw down the gauntlet and asked ya’ll to send us your best food pics, with a special request for photos of D-List celebrities eating. We’re gonna have to revise that, because britannia has seriously upped the ante with his first contribution to the ES flickr pool, this shot of the man himself leaving U Street half-smoke institution Ben’s Chili Bowl. And by the man of course I mean D.C. Mayor Adrian Fenty. J/K!

I will now feel unfulfilled in my inauguration weekend if it involves anything less than sharing a plate of Ben’s cheese fries with Obama at 5 in the morning.

Remember to upload your shots of Barack eating his way through DC, or any other food adventures, to the ES Flickr Pool.

We Knew It! Obama is a Foodie

While Barack Obama spent the last two years painstakingly convincing Americans that he is a red-meat-eating, corn-dog-loving American, we knew all along that he had to be a red-wine-drinking, arugula-loving food elitist.

And now that all those people in Indiana have gone ahead and voted for him anyway, can you guess what shows up out of nowhere? A tape of BHO’s secret past as none other than a food critic! It just happened to be lost somewhere until after the election, perhaps hidden along with his drug stash and Indonesian citizenship. Obama’s appearance as a food critic, taped way back in 2001, unfortunately got canceled before it even hit the air, because he was too smart or something.

Well this isn’t Thailand, Barry, and you can’t get fired from the presidency for being too much of a foodie. So now that you’re in DC, we hope you’ll have time to return to your first love, and feel free to send any restaurant reviews our way.

Part 2 of the video after the j.

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ES Editors’ Choice Awards: Best Food Moments of 2008

OK you’ve had your say readers. Hezbollah Tofu is the Eater of the Year. But you know what? This is a food-tatorship, not a food-ocracy, and you didn’t really think we were going to let you lowly readers get the last say, did you? In all seriousness, thanks for voting, but we want to continue the award season silliness and call out a few more of our favorite eating moments of 2008. What were your favorite moments? Holler back.

Most Improved Eater: The Political Media


There’s been a lot of criticism of the MSM this year — they were in the tank for Obama! They forgot to report about the war! They can’t afford to print papers! — but here at ES we noticed a marked improvement. Throughout the campaign, we could barely turn on our TV or crack open a magazine without learning important breaking news about what one candidate or another was eating. Hillary stops for ice cream! Huckabee fries squirrels! McCain gained five pounds! It was beautiful. I mean, look at this recent page from the Huffington Post. Not one, not two, but three top-of-page stories about what Barack Obama is eating this week — and he’s on vacation. Keep up the good work in 2009, media.

Best Food TV Moment


There is staged reality TV lameness, and then there are inevitable unexpected moments of genius. Top Chef 5 is not even halfway through, but we suspect we’ve already seen this season’s high-point: Ice Queen Padma Lakshmi, usually so adept at keeping her judgely emotions under wraps, simply lost it upon taking one bite of Jersey housewife Ariane’s super-sweet cherry surprise and literally gagged on it. Padma felt so bad about actually spitting out Ariane’s food that she let the old lady win every challenge since then. We don’t even care who wins Top Chef this year. We’ll just remember this one shining moment.

Best Use of Bacon


As you know, the best use of bacon of course means the most outlandish use of bacon. A dish that doesn’t crumble bacon or garnish with bacon, but creates something so bacon-y extravagant that your heart hurts just looking at it. FoodProof wins this one by a landslide with their remarkable woven bacon and cheese roll. Death on a plate in just seven easy steps.

More awards after the jump…

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100 Percent of Americans Eat


That’s just one of the many insightful factoids from everyone’s favorite bleeding heart columnist, Nick Kristof, whose latest piece of activism is a call for P-E Obama to appoint the first-ever Secretary of Food. (Pick me! Pick me!) All snarkiness aside, it’s a damn good idea:

A Department of Agriculture made sense 100 years ago when 35 percent of Americans engaged in farming. But today, fewer than 2 percent are farmers. In contrast, 100 percent of Americans eat.

Renaming the department would signal that Mr. Obama seeks to move away from a bankrupt structure of factory farming that squanders energy, exacerbates climate change and makes Americans unhealthy — all while costing taxpayers billions of dollars.

“We’re subsidizing the least healthy calories in the supermarket — high fructose corn syrup and hydrogenated soy oil, and we’re doing very little for farmers trying to grow real food,” notes Michael Pollan, author of such books as “The Omnivore’s Dilemma” and “In Defense of Food” (and current Eater of the Year lagabout).

Read the full piece here [NYT]

Who is the Eater of the Year?

It’s that time again! Time to reminisce about the year that was and honor the people who kept our mouths open all year long.

For the second year, Endless Simmer is doing just that with our Eater of the Year awards.  Some of our nominees are serious, some less so, but all of them made this year tastier than all the years that came before.

Of course, only you can decide who the ultimate Eater of the Year is, so please cast your vote below.

And the nominees are…

Hezbollah Tofu


Last year you voted the irrepressible Anthony Bourdain as our inaugural Eater of the Year. This year, Bourdain was repressed.  So many entities have tried to take the haughty T-Bo down a notch in his life — Rachael Ray, Food Network execs, cocaine — but all of them have failed. Finally, the “Bourdain-veganizing collective” Hezbollah Tofu put a dent in his armor. Responding to Tony’s infamous quote that “vegetarians, and their Hezbollah-like splinter faction, the vegans, are a persistent irritant to any chef worth a damn,” Hezbollah Tofu embarked on an ambitious year-long crusade, cooking and blogging their way through Bourdain’s Les Halles Cookbook, without using an ounce of meat or dairy. While they didn’t convince us to put down the bacon just yet, HT amused and enticed us all year long with recipes like lentils tartare, seitan au poivre, and creme-less creme caramel. For taking the “bore” out of herbivore, Hezbollah Tofu is our vegan of the year.

Michael Pollan


If 2007 was the year Americans learned to be locavores, 2008 was when attacked the corporate agribusiness overlords with a vengeance. And the primary reason why every average joe and middle America housewife has turned against high-fructose corn syrup and factory farm chickens is this lovably dorky UC-Berkeley professor. Pollan burst into the mainstream with his 2006 opus The Ominvore’s Dillemma, and followed it up with this year’s equally engrossing In Defense of Food: An Eater’s Manifesto. While Pollan has no doubt been overhyped and praised beyond belief, it certainly is amazing that in a country where people don’t have time to chop their own onions, millions of folks are reading 400-page manifestos about industrial corn production. Have we shaken the corporate food addiction? Absolutely not. But it is safe to say Pollan changed the conversation, and without him, we probably wouldn’t have successes like California’s Prop 2, and we certainly wouldn’t have a blogosphere on fire about prospective Secretary of Agriculture candidates.

Kendra Wilkinson


Celebrity food endorsements have always been a pretty laughable deal. Does Alton Brown really drink Welch’s? I don’t think so. Does Rocco Dispirito cook pre-made pasta dinners at home? Yeah right, and those Olympic gymnasts chow down on McDonald’s burgers everyday. But there was one celeb endorser who had us in stitches this year. Playboy playmate and Hugh Hefner girlfriend #3 Kendra Wilkinson took her strange, fetishistic obsession with the Olive Garden to new heights when she asked Olive Garden waitresses to get naked for her. Never before have company PR folks stumbled over themselves so quickly to say “no comment” about an unsought endorsement. Does Kendra fully realize how ingenious an idea “the girls of the Olive Garden” is? We’re not sure, but we’re gonna give her credit.

Cindy McCain


Speaking of ditsy blonds, you may have hated her for awhile, but in hindsight, you’ve just got to love Cindy McCain. Sure, Hillary Clinton famously said she wasn’t going to hang around the White House baking cookies all day, but when push came to shove, Hill toned down the feminism, stood by her man, and even put a chocolate chip cookie recipe on the White House website. But Cindy? She could not be bothered with crap like that. When McCain aides asked her to be a good wifey and post her family recipes on the campaign website, Cindy tossed her gin and tonic on the ground and said “eff that, just google some Rachael Ray crap and put my name on it.” Then, even after she got caught stealing recipes, Cindy did it again! When Family Circle asked her to enter the traditional First Ladies cookie bake-off, she submitted a family fav — which just happened to come from the back of a Hershey’s Bar. What balls this lady has! Sure, her angry hubby fell about 150 electoral votes short of the White House, but one thing is crystal clear: Cindy McCain is not your bitch.

John Mayer


When erstwhile body-wonderer John Mayer launched his food blog in 2007, we called him a douche, and John got a little upset about it. The truth is, we have to apologize. We thought JM was just another celebrity jumping on the food blog bandwagon, but it turns out he’s really committed to it. When he’s not busy making out with Perez Hilton, John has continued to update us on all his tasty adventures. If there’s one thing we need more of in this tough, poverty-stricken holiday season, it’s C-list celebrities live-blogging a frosted bundt cake. Did you know you can win an autographed signature series Fender Stratocaster guitar if you send JM your best cake recipe? Now this is a rock star we can get behind.

Julia Child


It’s a pretty sad fact that even dedicated foodies like us can rarely turn on the Food Network nowadays without wanting to gag. From cheating Sandra Lee to cutesy Giada to butter-soaked Paula Deen, it’s all so train-wreck awful. To be honest, it’s a little pathetic that we’re more excited for an upcoming movie about the original chef-lebrity, Julia Child, than anything today’s food TV can offer. So put down the remote and pick up a copy of Mastering the Art of French Cooking, because the truth is, JC can still cook all these bitches under the table. Plus, she did it all while she was a mother-effing spy! Talk about badass. Imagine Rachael Ray concocting a flawless chocolate mousse while simultaneously stealing secrets from the Nazis. I don’t think so.

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Previously on Endless Simmer:
2007 Eater of the Year Awards

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