Feed Us Back: Comments of the Week


– Wow. I have to say I’m a little shocked that so few of you want me to make my own sous vide machine, but the ES community came down firmly on the anti-botulism side of things, with 67 percent of you voting against any sous vide tomfoolery.

– I think we can all agree we’re anti-Padma Lakshmi shilling for Hardee’s. KMango: Ew. Padma, please pack your knives and go anywhere but Hardee’s!

-No Obama sightings yet, but ESers did have some close calls. Maids: friend of mine saw Michelle Obama heading into the Dupont North Cosi. Liza: I saw Jill Biden at Nora’s Restaurant… does that count for anything?

– Lastly, I’ve been trying really hard to follow up 80p and TVFF’s beer puns but I’m drawing a blank. Come on people, we can’t abandon a good pun war after the second go!

No Obama Food Sightings This Weekend…


Damn! With President Obama sticking around town this weekend and his repub oppo busy worshiping at the altar of Limbaugh,we thought the Prez might have some free time to visit another DC restaurant. But the Eater-in-Chief opted to spend his Friday night out at the Wizards game instead.

Which is in a way good news because that means Round One of the Obama Eating Contest is still on — so don’t forget to cast your votes. The guesses so far:

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Contest: Where Will Obama Eat Next?


Forgive me for being a bad citizen, but as far as 2009 politics go, I’m totally bored by all this talk about back taxes and stimuli. Honestly, I could go for another campaign. Where’d that mooseburger lady go anyway? She at least made things interesting. Eric Cantor is like, the most boring nemesis ever.

But there is one DC hot topic that all ESers are of course enthused about — where Mr. O is eating. Dubya didn’t visit a single Washington restaurant during the entire last year of his presidency, but Obama is already making the scene around town and drawing shrieking, Beatles-esque crowds wherever he goes.

During Inauguration week, Britannia spied him at Ben’s Chili Bowl — the first obligatory stop for any DC pol. But Michelle questioned Barack’s DC fast food expertise by taking her own trip to rapidly-growing burger chain Five Guys.

Spies say Obama has also been seen at romantic White House-area restaurant Equinox and solid-if-boring standby Bobby Van’s Steakhouse.

So we’re inaugurating an ES challenge: Who can guess which DC eatery Obama will visit next? The first round odds:

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The First 10 Days: What Obama’s Eating

– We almost cried watching Obama’s first meal on Air Force One……when he said he liked his burger medium-well…who is this guy??? [Nat Geo]

– So, um, he’s a total liar. After making a bold bipartisan move to keep Bush’s White House Chef on staff, Barack and Michelle go ahead and bring their Chicago chef to DC to cook for them anyway. This apparently should please Alice Waters and all those demanding a foodie change in the White House. [Obama Foodorama]

– Speaking of Waters’ budding political activism, looks like our fav chef’lebrity, Anthony Bourdain, has settled on her as his newest enemy, telling her to leave the ‘bamas and the rest of us the fuck alone already:  I’ll tell you. Alice Waters annoys the living shit out of me. We’re all in the middle of a recession, like we’re all going to start buying expensive organic food and running to the green market. There’s something very Khmer Rouge about Alice Waters that has become unrealistic…. [DCist]

Feed Us Back: Comments of the Week

Sorry, Sandra

– Forgiving ES readers are very ready to welcome Robert Irvine back to Dinner: Impossible. Digigirl: I think he deserves a chance. He’s been up front about how it happened and that yes, he did make some stuff up. And even though I do like Michael Symon, the show was more interesting when Irvine was on it. Besides, have you seen the guns on that guy? Where else can I find beefcake like that on food tv?

Tina G: It’s not like he was up for Secretary of the Treasury and didn’t pay his taxes. Resume padding aside, the guy had a good show. Who cares about his background unless he is an escaped convict? Welcome back, Chef Irvine.

– But Oxen Cox is on board the Toby Young hate train:  He is starting to suck it as bad as Padma. (Ed Note: Whaaaaa?!?) The more he yammers on, the less I have to hear her.

– And Jess is glad Andrew Cuomo’s better half won’t be headed to DC anytime soon: Sandra Lee seems to have a drinking problem and her disgraceful show only adds to the health problems of this country…processed food full of sugar, salt, trans fat, chemicals, etc. That’s cooking? I don’t get it. It’s shameful and Andrew Cuomo is a fool. (Ed Note: and totally not a Senator)

– Speaking of the Cheating Queen, MaddBobbs is a little madd about our cheating rules: Hold on, I am supposed to be making cream of mushroom soup from scratch? How do you cream a mushroom?

Good question. Who knows? We’re open to instructions.

Top 10 All-Time George W. Bush Food Moments


As you may or may not have heard, Barack H. Obama is set to be sworn in as the 44th President of the United States this week (it’s kind of flown under the radar).  I’ve been as guilty as anyone of getting caught up in all the hype surrounding our leader/savior/superhero, but it’s just occurred to me that while we’ve all been focused on how freaking unbelievable and amazing it is that Barack Obama is actually going to be President in ONE DAY, we’ve completely overlooked another monumental milestone: As of tomorrow, George W. Bush will not be president. O. M. G.

And while it’s been apparent for some time now that W. is just as eager as the rest of us for his last day in office to come, in a recent intimate interview, Bush admitted there is one thing he’ll miss about leaving the White House:  The free food. To honor that spirit, we’re taking a fond look back at the Top 10 All-Time George W. Bush Food Moments. The choking, the burping, the eating with his mouth full, it’s been quite a presidency. I never thought the day would come when I’d say this, but as a writer always eager for an easy target — Dubya, I’m gonna miss ya.

10. TurkeyGate


Thanksgiving 2003: President Bush made one his gutsiest moves ever, a secret decision to fly into war-torn Baghdad and personally congratulate the troops on their “Mission Accomplished,” surprising the boys and girls with a beautiful golden turkey. Alas, that gorgeous bird, like so much else about this administration, turned out to be fake. Washington Post reporters uncovered the truth: the glossy turkey was just for show, rigged up for the prez — by who else?  an overpaid government contractor — and our brave men and women in uniform were actually served cafeteria-style slop.

9. “We gotta get Hezbollah to stop doin’ this shit…are you gonna eat that?”

When you think about it, you can’t really blame George Bush for all his gaffes. The poor guy ran for President in 1999, how was he supposed to know some geeks were about to invent a magical program called YouTube that would record and broadcast his every awkward move and stupid sentence for the next eight years? Well unfortunately for him, they did. And unfortunately for America, the cameras were there at this G-8 meeting in 2006 to catch George artfully explaining the Bush doctrine to Tony Blair…while cursing up a storm…with his mouth full. Stay classy, GWB.

8. Sir, that is Not a Corn Dog


One of the shear joys of American politics is observing the quadrennial rite of presidential candidate trekking out to Iowa to seduce those cornfed voters the only way they know how — by chowing down on their food. But Bushie one-upped all the panderers in August 2004 when he took a campaign swing through Davenport, Iowa and stopped to marvel at their beautiful sweet corn. Apparently unaware that raw sweet corn is generally fed only to livestock, George ripped open an ear and dug in. “Mmm,” George proclaimed. “You don’t even have to cook it.” Actually you do, George. But please don’t — we shudder at the thought of you getting anywhere near an open flame.

7. Bad Sushi

OK, maybe we can’t blame the guy for the food sins of his father, but seriously America, how did you even consider electing a second Bush after the first one THREW UP on the Japanese President?!? Not an urban legend, this actually happened. Your entire family should really be banned from international diplomacy after you do this once.

6. Jenna and Tonic


As long as we’re celebrating the extended family, how could one leave out dear Jenna? The saga of the blond twin’s White House years started early, when the 19-year-old first daughter tried to use a fake ID to buy a margarita at a Mexican restaurant in Austin, Texas. And Jenna  didn’t stop there. From falling down drunk to jaunting off on south-of-the-border boozefests to TJ arranged by the Secret Service, she was so amusing she almost made this administration tolerable. And here’s the scary part: After all that, it turns out Jenna is the sensible one in the family.

Next: Top 5 All-Time George W. Bush Food Moments

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