What others are saying about Endless Simmer…

“Endless Simmer shoots and scores”
Serious Eats

“I am both curious and scandalized”

“This act of extreme civil disobedience inspired by Endless Simmer.”

“You guys rock!
Spike Mendelsohn, Top Chef Season 4

“Simply too wonderful to get lost in a crowd.”

“Young Gansie over at Endless Simmer inspired me…”
Washington Post

“A Web Gem”
USA Today

“Pure Genius”
Under the High Chair

“Endless Simmer might be a cooking blog, but persnickety cooks should beware: The writers post recipes, but they never include measurements—only ingredients.”

“We get sooo hungry just reading your blog.”
Sabra Hummus

“Specializes in grub”
Andrew Sullivan

“You are awesome because you have whole sections about things like ‘Dixie,’ and ‘Phyllo.'”

“A rising epicurean authority on all things edible…will make you so hungry, you’ll want to devour your mouse.”
The Unbearable Lightness of Being

“Makes me extremely proud to be a reader of theirs, but also proud to be an American.”
So Good

“Has a certain vitality about it that I found quite refreshing. Huzzah!”
The Chef from Hell

“Love it…great pictures…fan fan fan”
London Eater

“Best. Food. Blog. Ever.”
Diary of a reluctant blogger

“Snarky, entertaining, funny, and one of my favorite reads!”
Italy in SF

“A great ‘all things food’ blog”
TV Food Fan

“Our absolutely favorite up & coming food blog.”
Jackson & Anna


“Really, really funny.”
Love Letters

“A cool cooking blog.”

“This made me giggle.”
Life Begins at 30

“Cool blog name.”
The Big Lead

“A good blog”
Midseason Replacements

“Accurate and succinct”
Clipped and Diced

“Who Cares?…meaningless”
New York Magazine

“The Michael Vick of the DC food scene.”
BigHead DC

“I’m gonna cut that girl…”

“I was at my own dinner party with my own family.”
2006 and 2008 Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Dana Priest

“…Endless Simmer…”
The New York Times


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