Best New Food Blogger: Max’s Snackses

You knew it would come to this. Everyone and their mother already has a food blog, or posts photos of their meals to facebook and twitpic, so why not everyone and their little dog, too? Max’s Snackses is the daily food blog of Max, a golden-brown chow chow who we’re pretty sure must live in Brooklyn. He mostly eats kibble, and photographs every meal.

For more updates on Max’s daily dietary intake, visit Max’s Snackses on tumblr.

Meat TV: How Steak Becomes Steak

The Perennial Plate Episode 14: Meat from Daniel Klein on Vimeo.

I almost feel blasphemous for this post after forkitude’s great article earlier last week about the inordinate amount of meat the average American eats. Don’t get me wrong, I firmly agree that our intake is out of whack and personally make a point to only consume red meat once or twice a month. However, I also believe a nice cut of beef with a simple pan sauce is one of the greatest things in the world and probably why we have canine teeth.

But I also know a lot of you believe in knowing more about where your meat comes from. The video above, from The Perennial Plate, offers a brief glimpse into a Minnesota meat processing plant that provides locally sourced, grass fed beef to their community. For a blunt look at the (after)life of a steer, press play above. The video is a fairly graphic, so it probably shouldn’t be watched by the squeamish or those at work, but isn’t that what the internet is for?


Well, Moist and Wet Would Get a Lot of Search Hits

In another addition to the ever expanding why didn’t I think of this first? file, Eick over at So Good had the rather brilliant idea of starting a food blogger comic strip. And this week’s outing of John Q. Foodblogger gives some props to Endless Simmer.

Of course, long-time readers know that this blog was almost called “culinarylingus,” so he may be on the right track.

You can follow the rest of JQF’s adventures here.

Never Said About Restaurant Websites

horrible restaurant website

One of the great unanswered questions of the food world is: why does every restaurant website have to be such a goddamn shitshow? I’ve already complained about the ubiquity of inane, unnecessary music on restaurant websites, not to mention horrible flash intros and just all-around poor usability. Why is it that every single restaurant owner thinks a high-concept, interactive, 17-page site is better than the simple layout of menu/address/phone number/reservation system?

Finally someone has made it their mission to take down restaurant websites. The exceedingly clever Never said about restaurant websites tumblelog is a database of complimentary things that people would never, ever, say about the inexplicably horrible world that is restaurant websites. A few gems:

“Who needs the phone number of a restaurant when you could be enjoying stock photos of food?”
-Zero people in the history of time

“My favorite thing about this restaurant is actually its nearly abandoned Twitter feed with links to irrelevant news articles. I really appreciate that level of effort.”

-Zero people

“I enjoy clicking on separate menu links to view the Appetizers, Salads, Meat Entrees, Fish Entrees, Pastas, and Desserts.”
“It was like the restaurant was reading my goddamned mind when the website cleared up whether or not it was open for brunch on labor day last year.”
-Not a soul
“Why would anyone want to skip this intro? I think I’ll watch it again.”
-Zero people

Agh! The funny thing is that these kinds of websites are not the exception but the rule. Seriously, WHAT IS THE DEAL, PEOPLE?!

Read more and add your own at Never said about restaurant websites.

Cheating on ES


Don’t be mad, ESers, but it’s true…sometimes we cheat on you. Here’s a look at what our team has been up to around the interwebs lately:

Eat Hyperlocal in Oakland [New York mag]
‘Hipster Highway’ Bus Connects D.C. and Brooklyn [New York Times]
World’s Most Haunting Cemeteries [Budget Travel]
Wine Tasting in Napa Valley…Without a car [off Manhattan]

Should a Veggie Burger Imitate a Burger or Be Its Own Sandwich? [Washington City Paper]
Orange Alert: Organic Restaurants Should Be Part of BLS’s Definition of Green Jobs [WCP]
Tokyo’s ‘Diner’ Comes With a Push-Button Version of a Jersey Waitress [WCP]

Keeping Reality Food TV Real [She Knows]
Why Some Food TV Shows Just Don’t Cut It [She Knows]

Fall Fest: Pears [The Gilded Fork]
Fall Fest: Pumpkin and Winter Squash [The Gilded Fork]

Just Beet It [The Gilded Fork]
Stone Fruit: Drupey Drawers of Goodness [The Gilded Fork]

Roo de Loo:
Jonathon Alsop Gives Good Wine [Edge]
What a Growing Locavore Movement Looks Like: Things to Do in the Berkshires [off Manhattan]
Higher, Please []

Time for Some Foodie Halloween Costumes


What are all you ESers dressing as for Halloween this year? Need some inspiration? Check out our compilations of the very best in food halloween costumes.

top 10 cute food halloween costumes

top 10 weird food halloween costumes

top 10 sexy food halloween costumes

top 10 food pun halloween costumes

When Life Hands You Watermelons

Jump in and eat… If only eating was always this much fun.

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