This summer, I took at little break from food-blogging to go explore my birthright in the Holy Land. While other trip participants got excited about being away from their parents for the first time, swimming in the Dead Sea, and joining the Israeli army, I clearly was just in it for the food. Broadandpattison has already told you about omni-dip, so here are a couple more Israeli food shots (sorry for the massive delay – have been waiting for pics from my travel companions)…
Jerusalem marketplace – olives, pickles, and olive’d and pickled everything
Got this at a lunch counter in Tel Aviv – no idea what it’s called. It’s an omelet topped with diced veggies and fried eggplant, and stuffed in–what do you think–a pita.
While we’re on the subject of pita, I have to talk about how they eat falafel…
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