ES/Food Network Contest: How Crazy Can You Grill It?

It’s that time of year again!  Spring! Which in addition to debilitating allergies, means it’s time to break out the grill. If the warmer weather wasn’t enough to clue you in to the onset of grilling season, the fact that you can’t flip on Food Network without seeing someone toiling away at an open flame would be a dead giveaway.

Oh, and speaking of giveaway, we’re partnering with the folks at Food Network for a little contest that will let you show off your grilling adventures, past or present.  All you need to do is send us your story about the craziest thing you have ever grilled. Have a creative topping for that burger that goes beyond just Dijon mustard?  Thrown something on the grill that you’re sure no one ever had grilled before you? Maybe you’ve traveled to the ends of the earth for the greatest grill of all.  Send in your story and you can be rocking the grill like a pro this summer with our sweet grand prize:

Nobody grills it like Bobby Flay, whose Grill It! can be seen on Food Network on Sundays at 9 am.  And so, it’s only fitting that our winner be able to do his or her best Bobby Flay impression with some real gear.  So our first place winner will receive a Food Network / Bobby Flay Grilling Basket, which includes an All-Clad BBQ Tool Set, Bobby Flay’s Burger, Fries, and Shakes cookbook and a canvas bag.  To our runners up, we’ll be sending copies of Down Home With The Neelys cookbook and a copy of the latest Food Network Magazine, which is all about the burger this month.


Now that you know what you’re getting, how do you enter?  Tell us, in 100 words or less, about your most unusual, unique or just plain out-there grilling or barbecue experience, past or present.  While we won’t be fact-checking, let’s keep it to true stories…we don’t want to hear about cooking brisket for Mahatma Gandhi and Napoleon.  The story (and feel free to include photos!) should be sent to between now and midnight, Eastern time on Wednesday, May 20th.

We’ll be announcing the winners late next week, so get your story in now!

Breaking…Obama Burger Week Still Going


Barack may trek out to NoVa for his socialist burger fix, but his ladyfriend knows you don’t have to leave the Hill for a quality beef patty. Yup, Michelle Obama was spotted today lunching at Good Stuff Eatery, the burger joint owned by ES BFF Spike Mendelsohn, of Top Chef fame.  No word yet on what she ordered. Anyone see her?

And more important, will Michelle bring Barack back next time? Make sure to get your guess in for the Where Will Obama Eat Next contest.

(Photo: DC 365)

Feed Us Back: Comments of the Week


Boyd Logan was pretty close with his guess of Bone Crusher, but miked. knew right away the mystery eater in question was Questlove, drummer for the Roots and new sidekick to Jimmy Fallon. Good guessing, miked! You’ve won an ES prize pack.

PS – have you seen a famous/almost famous person chowing down? You better let us know!

In other ES news this week..

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The Not So Humble Lemon and Potato


ES friend Macheesmo (of ketchup fame) and his bud, The Food in My Beard, started a friendly, virtual cooking competition: Foodie Fights.

I’m sure you know the Iron Chef-like rules: multiple contestants, using the same ingredients, trying to out-foodie each other in creativity and e-taste (did I just coin a new phrase?!?!). Anyway, I’m one of the guest judges for the first round.

Check out Battle: Lemon and Potato and vote for your fav. You’ll find out my pick tomorrow.

(PS—Happy Earth Day! Um, eat something local, or however you’re supposed to celebrate. You can also just read about others’ love for protecting the planet. Check out Blog for the Bay campaign, which, if you ask me,  is really just a love for the deliciousness of Maryland crabs. MMMM, crabs…)



Peeps are totally gross. But peeps dressed up as Top Chef contestants is totally hysterical. This diorama won honorable mention in the Washington Post Peeps Show 3, where seemingly normal adults dedicate too much of their time to posing bunny-shaped-sugar into human scenarios. As my friend Mariah Carey perfectly summed it up: “Darfur, people, Darfur.”

Other foodie favs: Iron Peep (pic #31) and Passover sedar (pic #32).

Pics: WaPo

Hott Link: Meat Madness


Bracket Busted? Not to worry. You can still get in on So Good’s Meat Madness tourney (which has been having a bit of a food blog feud of its own).

After yesterday’s lamb vs. ground beef nailbiter, today it’s on to the fowl region, where duck is working on an upset of #2 seed turkey.

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