A Salsa for Summer: Grilled Watermelon and Feta
As I get older and now that I have life all figured out (Ha! Sense the sarcasm, folks), I am less embarrassed about stuff. I used to be the girl who turned beet red and just about died from humiliation over the tiniest things. Now, if I trip in front of you (I most likely will) I’ll just smile and wave. Saying something stupid? I do it on the daily. I’m okay with it.
The one thing I am consistently still embarrassed over is my iPod music selection. The worst part is that I voluntarily put all the crazy embarrassing music on there. Just to give you a taste, there are about 300 songs including Pitbull (face getting red), assorted 90’s rappers (getting redder), maybe some country (eyes closed in shame) and a butt-load of Glee renditions (maximum levels of musical embarrassment reached). I’m just gonna tell you, I sometimes roll my eyes when listening to my iPod alone. I need an intervention.
Why am I discussing this with you today? Well, I had some willing taste-testers hanging around my kitchen while I made this killer salsa aaaaand my iPod was on the speaker dock. So, when I think about this salsa, I will forever associate it with the delicious flavors of fresh watermelon with a grilled char and tangy feta, along with the ear raping sounds of Miley Cyrus. Oy. Y’all, forget I wrote this, okay?
Grilled Watermelon & Feta Salsa
4 large wedges of watermelon
olive oil
a whole brick of feta
1 jalapeno
juice from 1/2 lime
1/2 red onion, diced
1/4 cup fresh cilantro
Cut some watermelon into wedges, brush on some olive oil and grill each side on a gas grill until char marks are to your liking. I put it on skewers to make it a little easier, but you could probably just grill the wedges and use tongs to flip. Dice it up and add in the rest of the ingredients. Serve with blue corn chips for a lovely taste of summer.
“hungry monster” is Renee from http://