Feed Us Back: Comments of the Week
– Last Halloween post, we swear, but we had to share this photo from reader Dan of Food in My Beard, who proves that broccoli costumes don’t have to end up on the worst list. Also, Mr. and Mrs. JoeHoya of Capital Spice make an early bid for next year’s cutest costumes list:
Of course, you can’t go out in that get-up and not stop for a half-smoke…
Wow, ES is really becoming baby food central, huh?
– In other news, Justin explains the McRib obsession perfectly:
The McRib is like the PBR of fast food sandwiches. Lots of nostalgia, seems hip, but taste like crap. Having said that, I kinda want one now.
– Finally, for anyone as mystified as us by just WTF qualifies as Southwestern food, Kara schools us on it:
Carne seca is a dried and reconstituted beef (think beef jerky, rehydrated) used in a lot of recipes – especially soft tacos (and you have to have homemade tortillas and green chile sauce).
Fry bread is a more recent traditional Navajo food and a lot of people eat it for breakfast with a little honey (much yummier than bagels, IMO). But it can be served at all meals either sweet or savory. To have gone to AZ and not eaten fry bread is a tragedy….
Pinon nuts (pine nuts) are native to the high plains of Arizona around Flagstaff and the Grand Canyon. Sweet treats made with them are ubiquitous – pinon cakes made with pine nuts and honey and coarse corn meal are to DIE for.
Hold up! The Grand Canyon is filled with pine nuts?!? This place just infinitely more magical.