A Gift From ES: Endless Wines

Is it us, or does the holiday party season start earlier and earlier every year? Somehow I already have something scheduled nearly every freaking day for the next month. You know what that means….we’re gonna need a LOT of wine.

Here’s the deal, folks: Naked Wines is an awesome new company that invests in independent winemakers so that they can give you seriously good prices on premium bottles of booze. By cutting out the middlemen, they can offer bottles from the best boutique winemakers for 40 – 60 percent off. BUT Endless Simmer is one-upping that and giving you $100 off your holiday case of wine. Just click the image above (or here) to redeem your $100 voucher off of any order.

Ya’ll know we don’t spam you guys with things we wouldn’t buy ourselves—but this is a legit deal, and a cool company that we’re really excited to partner with. I just cashed in the voucher myself and got a case of 12 bottles from 12 different indie winemakers for $160, minus the ES $100 off coupon = $60 for a case, no hidden shipping fees or anything. While I’m still sober enough to divide, let me tell you that’s $5 a bottle.

Check it out!

An ‘Ordinary’ Test

I recently discovered that in terms of my own personal liquor tastes, I am a ‘connoisseur of the ordinary.’

When I walk into a bar, my personal liquor preference list is this: bourbon, scotch, rye, vodka, red wine, white wine, beer. And although I could drink bourbon with every meal, I traditionally pair certain foods with certain liquors. Red wines with steaks and Italian food, white wines with fish and chicken, rye or bourbon with sandwiches and burgers, and beer with pizza. Scotch I usually drink by itself, with a cigar or as a dessert.

But whatever the drink, when it comes to my liquors of choice, I’m not usually a top shelf kind’a guy. My taste palette favors blends over single barrel drinks. I can appreciate a good single-malt scotch or one-barrel whiskey, but I always revert back to my ‘everyman’ blends. It appears that my taste buds are about as sophisticated as reality TV. In the immortal words of Popeye, “I yam what I yam!” I’ve long ago given up trying to appease the upscale opinions of those who love looking down on us poor, working class stiffs—with our common-place tastes and our bargain basement choices. You can enjoy your French Champagne pinky-up with the rest of the guests, and I’ll have my shot and a beer with the bar staff and servers.

Recently, I decided to run a personal taste test, to see if I really do prefer cheap liquor over “the good stuff.”

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Wine Enemas…They’ll Get You in the End

Oh those crazy college kids! What will they do next? Being that I’m a fan of most things alcohol related, I recently came across an article about a college student that was partaking in a little nontraditional wine tasting. That is, he decided that chugging it would take too much time to create a buzz, so he somehow reasoned that it would be better to go in through the out door. This way of introducing alcohol into the bloodstream is faster and consequently more dangerous than sipping it the old fashioned way. He was in fact, brought into the hospital with a 0.40 blood alcohol limit, which is lethal in most cases.

There have been times in the past where I’ve wanted to get a little ‘loose,’ and I’ve partaken in the time-honored method of consuming shots of alcohol in various formats: Jell-o shots, body shots, flaming shots…but never have I thought of applying this technique through my rectum. Call me old fashioned, but I rather like the taste of most liquors, so it seems that bypassing the tongue while introducing it into the bloodstream is cheating me out of a great deal of pleasure.

I’m hoping that this is an isolated incident and that the trend doesn’t catch on, particularly with wine. Wine tastings could become very messy, and the rating categories would change dramatically. ‘Back taste’ would take on a whole other meaning and the serving temperature would have to be a major consideration. Some champagnes and sparkling wine would take your breath away upon introduction and certainly wouldn’t appeal to the ticklish.

I know I’m showing my age here, but shot-gunning a beer or pouring it through a funnel seemed a pretty quick way of creating a buzz when I was in college. Maybe I’m lame but getting drunk by pouring junk-in-your-trunk seems a bit extreme. Food and drink should be pleasurable, relaxed experiences shared amongst family and friends. I hate to hurry through a great steak or rush a lightly iced scotch, so the appeal of getting super blitzed in less time makes as much sense as wanting to get full after one bite.

A word of caution to all my back-door buzz seekers; the main technique used to create a great wine is the same one used to create a great time, and that is control.

Lose it, and it could bite you in the ass.

Put It In a Jar: White Sangria

I don’t know about the rest of you, but all weekend long I have been reaching, itching, longing for some crisp fall weather. I toiled for a while about what the hell to put in a jar this week. Fruit…again? I wanted comfort food. Something sweet, with chocolate…maybe some peanut butter and malt! Ok. OK. I told myself to get a grip. It’s August. I’ll have months and months of savory food up ahead. So, what did I decide to do instead…?

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Endless Poptails: Blueberry Cabernet Cheesecake

Blueberries, wine, cheesecake…in a popsicle. Yes, it’s possible to have all that in a poptail. I went against my usual hard liquor & fruit for dessert profile and instead took a blueberry cheesecake recipe, then shot it up with some cabernet sauvignon and froze it.

The cabernet gives the blueberry its full bodied shot of booze, while the eggless, heavy cream and cream cheese mixture gives the popsicle its cheesecake cred, and the little bit of graham cracker crumb inserted for a crust-like authenticity brings it all home.

This holiday weekend, forget trying to find a way to juggle your wine in one hand your dessert in the other — just mix them into one and lick your way through.

Blueberry Cabernet Cheesecake Popsicle

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ES-Style Travel: Drinking with Mickey

I recently reached a milestone in my graduate school career, which I celebrated the best way I know how: with a vacation. Naturally, this means I have not been up to my usual baking tricks, so instead, I would like to share with you my enlightening experiences drinking in Disney World.

Considering I was eleven the last time I visited the land of the mouse, alcoholic beverages were not on my radar. And while not my primary focus (spending the trip intoxicated is not the best plan if you want to ride the Rock ‘n’ Roller Coaster eight times), sampling the options available did feature quite highly on my must-do list. I will admit I was actually impressed by the variety and quality throughout my trip.

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Wanna Drink Boxed Wine But Also Be Classy?

Well, then, have I got a boon for you! Finally, a wine in a portable box package you can be proud of: CalNaturale. Cal, because it’s from California, and Naturale, because… wine is…natural? (A natural liquid for ME to drink, at least!) No, it’s called Naturale because, according to the winemakers:

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