Burns My Bacon: Cookie Dough “Restaurant”

AMERICA! Wake up! Holy eff. We just can’t help ourselves. Over and over, we find more ways to become self-indulgent zombies. This time, some genius in New York City decided it would be a great idea to open up a place that sells cookie dough. Cookie dough in a cone, in a cup – just raw cookie dough. Of course, they say it’s safe to eat because they used pasteurized eggs and “heated flour.” But really? Just…cookie dough? Like, the stuff I can make at home, have a bite, and then BAKE the rest of it and eat it in it’s more delicious form?

Some of you are probably thinking, “Are you crazy?! I’d buy that by the bucket!” Yes, I do understand the novelty of it and the fact that we all stick our fingers into the cookie dough and just eat it raw. Yes, it is delicious. However, is this the trend we want to set? First off, that any Joe can put shit on a stick and sell it in a restaurant? Let’s be honest, it does not take much talent to create cookie dough. Secondly, where is the value here? This is something that even a $1 bag of powder from the neighborhood A&P mixed with water will even taste good. If I go somewhere to eat, I want it to be something that I know (a) I can’t make at home and (b) it’s better than the rest.

Rather than marketing the cookie dough eaten raw from a cup or cone, maybe focus on the other products. Thankfully, they do sell things like cookie dough ice cream sandwiches, ACTUAL cookies, other BAKED goods, and even cookie dough milkshakes. Now those are things I would go into the store to try. But raw cookie dough in a cup or cone? Why?

Hey, what do I know? People line up for McDonalds, knowing the odds of spit landing in their food are greater than 50%.

(Photo: cookiedonyc.com)

Top 10 Foods to Go

Whether you have a 30+ minute commute to and from work, like to hike, take the train to work every day, or you are just always on the run, sometimes your travel mug of coffee just isn’t enough. In my travels to and from work, I’ve learned how to eat yogurt on the go and even cereal from a travel mug. But I also end up arriving to work with yogurt on my favorite tie or a splash of milk in my crotch. Whether it’s the risk of mess that keeps you from enjoying our food/drinks on the go, or lack of variety, here are our top ten food (and drinks) to go. While I won’t say the dirty “c word” just yet, these would all make great gifts as well.



10. Chocomize

BUILD YOUR OWN chocolate bars! Take pride in the high calorie and sugar that you are chomping on by knowing it’s been created by you. Chocomize allows you to pick between a bar and a heart, the kind of chocolate it is made of, and then add toppings a la carte or pick one of their pre-designed bars.

2oz-beef-s_s-hi-res-3d (1)

9. Perky Jerky

Jerky that is not only all natural and gluten free (trying to figure out how it wouldn’t be gluten free – do they add gluten to others?), but also infused with CAFFEINE! Not straight up coffee, but with a plant called Guarana that produces a fruit similar to a coffee bean and acts as a stimulant. Not only are you getting a jolt of protein, but also a jolt of energy. Yum.

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Cookie Dough-lympics: The Winner

 After some amazing recipes and ideas, the Cookie Dough-lympics have come to a close! With much deliberation (I mean, it’s hard to say one cookie dough is better than another!) the cookie dough diva herself chose the recipe worthy of the gold medal:
The Winner: The Baker Chick with Salted Caramel Cookie Dough Truffles

Check out the other amazing entries, and comment for a chance to win one of three Cookie Dough Lover’s Cookbooks!!!

Awake at the Whisk: Cherry Ice with Cocoa Nibs
Confessions of a Recipe Junkie: Cookie Dough Creme Brulee

The Cookie Dough-Lympics: Banana Almond Poppers

Banana Almond Poppers

Have you ever witnessed the “law of attraction” at work? Like when you think about something for a long time, dream it to be true, and then voila! it shows up at your front doorstep? Well, ladies and gentleman, all my years of wanting, wishing, and longing for have finally come to light—in the form of a book full of raw cookie dough recipes.

Before you go singing the salmonella symphony to me, let me explain: this cookie dough is egg-less. What does that mean, my friends?  It means that you can stick your head right into that bowl and nom you way to the bottom, worry-free. And thanks to Lindsay Landis, creator of this cookie dough recipe and book full of desserts to make with it, all of our lives have now been touched.

With this new cookbook ES has entered the “Cookie Dough-Lympics,” where we come up with our own recipes based around this egg-less delight. I sat down with the book while brainstorming ideas and found cakes, ice cream, souffles…you name it, Lindsay created it. In brainstorming for my own recipe I realized I wanted a yummy, easy to make, minimal-ingredient summer treat with this dough.  I want the kind of thing that is bite-size so I can munch with ease. I want the kind of thing I can make on a weeknight, store in the freezer, and grab whenever I need a frozen pick-me-up. And then it hit me: the Banana Almond Poppers were born.

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Opening Ceremonies: The Cookie Dough-lympics!

Yes, it’s that time again! OK, fine — it’s that time for the first time ever. We’re happy to announce, along with our friends at Quirk Books, the first ever Cookie Dough-lympics! The month-long competition is where the Michael Phelps’ of food bloggers will create the craziest and best recipes — all using Lindsay Landis’s egg-free cookie dough from her up-and-coming The Cookie Dough Lover’s Cookbook.

Although there won’t be choreographed dancing or a parade of nations, tomorrow through June 22nd the doughy flame will burn bright, with one blogger showcasing their cookie dough recipe per day. Cookie dough pizza? Cooking dough pie? Cookie dough cocktails? What do you think, ES-ers?

Stay tuned to Quirk Books, @EndlessSimmer, and @QuirkBooks to view the recipes each day.

We’ll be announcing the winner right here on June 25th. Let the games begin!

Extreme Brownies: Cookie Dough Cheesecake Brownie Pastry Pockets

Have you seen this new trend in which describing something as “to die for” is no longer good enough? I keep seeing these recipes named “Better Than Sex Cake, Sex in a Pan, etc…” Really? I’m pretty sure sex outside of a pan is still better.

But I get it. It’s a quick hook to get you to look a little closer. And if there’s one recipe that I’m going to describe that way, it’s definitely this one. Now that we’ve established that, do lean in close and take a look at this sexified brownie creation.  Inside that pastry pocket is a cookie dough cheesecake brownie bar — yes, It’s a mouthful. This mouthful is an extreme brownie with a sweet and salty combination that finishes with a dusting of confectioner’s sugar and some chocolate and caramel drizzle — how’s that for a happy ending?

So in playing along with the current sex and food trend, I give you the Brownie Sex Maker. This will make you and the person you share with it want to do anything…for reals.

Cookie Dough Cheesecake Brownie Pastry Pockets…a.ka. The Brownie Sex Maker

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A Half Baked Idea: Sous Vide Cookie Dough

cookie dough

You crazy ESers asked for it, and you got it. After playing around with my SousVide Supreme and being rather underwhelmed cooking just meat and veggies, I asked you for some crazier ideas. My partner in crime gansie had a stroke of genius:

What about cookie dough? But don’t cook it long enough where it actually turns into a cookie, just so it heats through and kills any harmful crap. so it could be one gooey, warm, doughy, chocolaty, gushy thing. (Confession – i used to heat up purchased cookie dough in the microwave).

Hmmm…what about cookie dough? Honestly, I can never resist the temptation to lick the bowl, salmonella or not, but it does always scare me a little bit, and I know I really shouldn’t be doing it. So could we use the SousVide to cook the dough to just high enough temperatures where it would be safe to eat but still gooey and delicious? Well, we could certainly try…

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