by BS
Attack of the Meme: Me Want Cookies
You can call me a creepy old man, or you can call me plain weird, but I still think there’s just about nothing funnier than Cookie Monster. I mean, he eats cookies, he eats them hilariously fast, and he yells about it. How do you beat that?
He’s also officially a meme.
10. #Occupy Sesame Street
(Via: Truth is Treason)
9. Red Rum! (And Cookies)
(Via: Foto Log)
8. A Nerd Joke
(Via: Gegen Den Strich)
7. That Always Frustrated Me, Too
(Via: Amazonaws)
6. On the Michelle Obama Diet
(Via: Thing That Bang)
5. Is Monsterpiece Theatre Still On?
(Via: Skyloh)
4. Brokeback Cookie Monster
(Via: Rolfrazzi)
3. The Perfect Facebook Retort
(Via: Robbie P.)
2. Digestion Problem Monster
(Via: King Hollywood)
1. Da’ C.O.O.K.I.E.
(Via: Wildly Generic)