Stuff It Like It’s Hot
Inspired by my fav local Mexican place, I decided to try my hand at Chiles Rellenos, a brilliant invention that combines four of my top culinary delights: Mexican food, cheese, stuffing veggies and frying in oil. Genius.
Full disclosure: This was a joint venture with Chef Mom. Our cooking styles fit together well, although she did wash the floor after me about seven times during the process. I used this killer recipe, which I’ve written up after the jump, along with my modifications.
6 Ancho, Pasilla or Anaheim Chiles – or – 27 oz. can Mild Whole Green Chiles I used poblanos.
1/2 pound Monterey Jack cheese, thinly sliced
1 cup Flour
6 eggs (separated)
1 cup oil
– Broil the chiles in the oven, turning once, until the skins start turning black and popping (about 10 mins)
– Seal the chiles in a ziplock and watch ’em steam themselves.
– After this, you should be able to peel them easily.
– Cut a slit almost the full length of each chile and pull out the seeds, replacing with a slice of cheese. Or seven.
– Whip the egg whites until stiff peaks form. Separately, beat the egg yolks together with one tablespoon of flour. Mix the yolks into egg whites and stir until you have a thick paste. NOTE: I thought this was kind of a crazy idea, to separate the egg yolks and whites and then mix them back together, but it really made a cool, thick foamy batter. Perhaps Mr. Wizard Rooms can explain the science behind this.
– Roll the chiles in flour and dip each one in the egg batter. Careful not to lose your cheese!
– Fry all sides of the chiles, making sure you cook the egg thoroughly, until golden brown.
Smother in E-double’s salsa. Upon tasting this, my family immediately banned all store-bought salsas from the house. Shown above with my mamma’s refried black beans (her new innovation) and yellow rice.
Is this more of a shallow fry or is this a serious deep fry…not sure what 1 cup oil means. regardless, this looks a-mazing!
Your pops was right. That DOES look delicious.
pretty shallow fry…hot enough of course….but it’s not like you’re deep frying them – just a thin layer as if you’re sauteeing, but they soak it up so you gotta add extra oil between sets, if you’re frying in shifts