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Summer is nearing its end, so with that we are filling your orders until the Poptail Series goes into hibernation.

Gimlet on a stick now being served. You asked for it and we’re delivering it in all its icy cold glory. That’s a mixed berry gimlet built on a limeade body. Now that we’ve armed you with the not so secret formula, spread the goodness and get mixing.

While you are getting boozy, we want to know what you want to see get cocktailed into a series next e.g. cupcakes, truffles, brownies. We are open for suggestions. Holla in the comments, we’ll throw your suggestions in the mix along with our staff picks.

Mixed Berry Gimlet

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Cocktail O’Clock: National Rum Day

August 16th is Nacional Dia Del Ron, which roughly translates to: “no better time than the middle of August to take off work early and celebrate a made-up drinking holiday.” Works for us! Start your National Rum Day with this Panamanian rum cocktail.

The Panamanian Soother:
(Makes 8-10 drinks)

1 1/2 cups Ron Abuelo Añejo
1/2 cup fresh orange juice
1 oz agave nectar
1 pack blueberries
12 sage leaves
2 bottles ginger beer (Barritts’s or Regatta)

Directions: In large pitcher, muddle the berries and thyme together. Then add remaining ingredients with ice and stir very well.

100 Ways to Use Blueberries

Blueberries — they’re not just for pie anymore. Sure, that old standard is still pretty tasty, but how about some blueberry bagels? Blueberry ice cream? Blueberry pulled chicken? This b-berry season, it’s time to branch out a little bit. From blueberry bruschetta to blueberry mojitos, here are 100 fresh blueberry recipes from 100 of our favorite bloggers.

Click on the photos for full recipes.

100 ways to use bacon, bananas, sriracha and more: find the rest of our 100 Ways here.

(Top photo: BrxO)

Food Bloggers Give Panera’s Menu a Gluten-Free Makeover

Remember the team of activist food bloggers who took our list of America’s Top 10 New Sandwiches and made vegan versions of each sandwich? Well, Namely Marly and her team are at it again. This time, they’re giving one of America’s biggest bakery chains a GF makeover. Namely Marly writes:

I recently met a friend for breakfast at Panera and was surprised, nay shocked, to learn that they didn’t offer any gluten-free items at the bread bar. How could this be? Are they not aware of the growing number of people who are flocking toward gluten-free lifestyles?

The solution? De-gluten-ize the whole place! Namely Marly and her crew came up with gluten-free recipes for nine different items on the Panera menu. But will the bakery chain add any of these creations to their roster? Your move, Panera.

1. Chocolate Chunk Muffins

Recipe: Multiply Delicious

2. Caramel Pecan Rolls

Recipe: Namely Marly

3. Spinach and Artichoke Souffle

Recipe: Clean Green Simple


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4th of July Cocktail Cooler Popsicles

This 4th of July we’ve got you ready to stay cool for your summer picnic, and to keep things patriotic we striped your cocktail cooler with Uncle Sam’s signature colors. Kinda.

The striping is a bit messy, but um, so was the test kitchen while mixing. That’s what happens Monday night when you’re mixing, shaking, testing, pouring, more testing—things get a little blurry. The result of that blurry-good-time is a Poptail stamped with our ES Double Seal of Goodness.

The implication of our double seal — Good enough to lick to the stick!

4th of July Cocktail Cooler Popsicles


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Extreme Simmer: The SousVide Supreme

sous vide

So after hearing me bitch for the last two years about how everyone on Top Chef gets to sous vide but I don’t, someone finally decided to throw me a bone. The folks over at SousVide Supreme, the first legit sous vide machine aimed at home cooks, sent me over one of their $450 contraptions to test out for a few weeks. Woo-hoo!

For those who need a recap: sous vide cooking involves vacuum sealing ingredients in plastic bags with this neat little contraption:


That’s actually the most fun part, watching all the air get sucked right out of the bag. Then you submerse the bag in a thermal hot water bath that’s designed to remain at an exact pre-set temperature, down to the degree:

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Feed Us Back: Comments of the Week

bacon donut

dad gansie is not buying this crazy avocado story:

Come on SS. Are you pulling our legs?? Yea, some Rock hard ones have lasted for a few weeks, never 6-7. Try the kale cover again. Maybe you’ll be a new famous inventor.

Guess that one is still a mystery.

Alex takes an early lead in the craziest donut contest:

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