I’m serious. EXTREME FOOD PORN. I was browsing Instagram today (what, you don’t follow like thirty food photography Instas?) and one of my favorites, thekitchenista, posted a picture of her pancakes. Well, it wasn’t a picture, more like a heart-stopping revelation:
Whaaaaat. I don’t even consider myself a “sweet breakfast foods” type of person, I’m more of a savory, but I think this photo could convince me to switch teams. Angela, Miss Kitchenista herself, describes this as “Strawberry shortcake pancakes! Crispy buttermilk pancakes, homemade maple strawberry syrup & fresh maple whipped cream.” I WANT.
Anyway, if you’re in the mood to make yourself perma-hungry, check out her blog, The Kitchenista Diaries, as well. (This is a totally unsolicited plug and we are not affiliated, I just like to spread the fellow food blogger/photog love and her stuff is great!)