Feed Us Back: Comments of the Week
– Jens takes the lead in the biggest/most badass beer contest:
Here in Germany (in Bavaria to be exact) they sell 1 liter of beer (around 34 ounces, called a “Maß”) during Octoberfest. The biggest beer I’ve ever seen had been 1.5 liter bottles of beer in Latvia, containing 17% alcohol. I kid you not – this stuff tasted like beer liquor.
Can you beat that? Feed us back!
– Meanwhile, rabi reaches back to 100 bananas and clearly wins craziest comment of the week:
i hate this. i was looking for 100 things to physically do with a banana. not fuckin cook with it. who do you bitches think you are. i hate you. i hate bananas. and i hate matt. and i hate living with this website in my memory. how do you think that i am supposed to live, and look at another banana EVER without fuckin losing it. i don’t know. somebody, give me answers. my son is gay.
Ooh-kaaaaay. In more relevant banana news, Louis drops a bomb:
Banana beer and banana bread beer.
Um, hells yeah! Can we get some recipes, though?
– Lastly, thanks for all the sous vide suggestions — more sous vide-ing at home posts to come, obviously!
(Photo: g. rox)
Epic rabi, epic.
Lemme just say, and Imma let you finish, but Rabi had the best comment OF ALL TIME.
re: Ein Mas… i was indeed shocked when i attended Wies’n and no one in Munich calls them “steins”.
woah… wonder if rabi is short for rabid… yikes!