Feed Us Back: Comments of the Week
– Figured we could count on you ESers to brainstorm some dirty food terms. Nina:
The dirty dish in my house is “beef strokemeoff”. Not for too much longer tho….our three year-old has started asking for it by that name!
You left off “spatchcock.” It can’t be said around here without a ton of snorting snickers.
Beat until smooth, about 50 strokes. Or put your hand as far into the cavity as you can reach and remove whatever you find… the giblets.
– Meanwhile, Amelia of Gradually Greener comes up with some pretty great book-nerd ice cream flavors:
Shakes-Pear (pear & swirls)
Micro-fishe (mini swedish fish)
Acai-berry of Congress (Acai berries)
– And an angry Angus does not agree with our use of green tea in cupcakes:
I hate Green Tea but I especially hate it when people put it in food. Green Tea ice cream is awful and I think people only eat it to gain hippy cred. You can keep the cup cakes.
(Photo of a very delicious looking spatchcock: avlxyz)
Angus, I hate hippies, I assure you I eat green tea ice cream because it is delicious and not too sweet for my savory-leaning palate.