T.G.I. Super Tuesday

The former foodie frontrunner wonders what he failed to eat.

The presidential campaign is heading into its biggest day yet, and across the board, the candidates are still ignoring the food vote. We’ve said goodbye to Rudy Giuliani, whose brave attempts to eat his way into power were thwarted when his ill-conceived strategy to bring out the Florida Jews ended in a miserable failure. At least one foodophile is ready to speak the hard truth: he should have gone more Ashkenazi.

Yet the remaining candidates have left this blog’s editorial board uninspired. Seriously people, Thailand has already made history by placing the “Thai Emeril” at the seat of government, is it so much to ask for some statements on your caviar policy? If this keeps up, we may have to start a Draft Bourdain campaign. Or at least Carol Mosely Braun.

While these shortcomings are depressing, we feel compelled to give you a few more updates on the field, given the enormity of today’s contests:

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Gourmet My Ass

80 as a squirrel

Gourmet magazine recently reworked their website to include sections on food politics, food-making videos and hoity toity advice. Now, this would not normally warrant a post on the anti-establishment ES, but they also added the section: “Vintage Gourmet.” This showcases ghosts of Gourmet’s past. And when I say ghosts, I just don’t mean pineapple, kiwi and goose pudding, or some other gelatin concoction. No, I mean seriously effed up dishes – VARMINT recipes. Yes, I said it. Gourmet actually published recipes for woodchuck, raccoon and squirrel.

Now this is where the fun comes in. ES will offer a guest blogging post to the most daring, most delicious attempt at varmint cooking and eating. AND, a coveted spot on our forthcoming Hall of Endless Eaters.

Please send recipes and photos to contests@endlesssimmer.com by March 3, 2008 (because the first is a Saturday and obviously we don’t work on Saturdays, we drink)

Good luck and Godspeed!

Bozo The Eater


I get it from my mother. I read obituaries. There, I said it.

Now WaPo made it even easier for me to get my “in memoriam” fix – Post Mortem, the WaPo obit blog. Yes, there are so many blogs on WaPo’s website (scroll down to the middle of the page and click on View All News Columns & Blogs, I count 30) that there is even a web log for the dead.

Regardless, that’s how I stumbled upon the death of Eddie “Bozo” Miller, an “icon of gluttony.”

Check out the full obit here, but below are some of his eating highlights:

In 1963, he downed 27 chickens (2-pound pullets) at Trader Vic’s restaurant in San Francisco, a feat that earned him $10,000 and led to a place in the Guinness Book of Records as the “world’s greatest trencherman,” or heavy eater.

He once downed 30 pounds of meatloaf made from elk, buffalo and other game. In another test, he ate 324 pieces of ravioli and said that he could have eaten more but that the restaurant ran out. He also guzzled two quarts of whiskey in an hour.

In his heyday, he said, he beat a lion in a martini-drinking contest.

“Some guy from the circus came into the restaurant — Reno Barsocchini’s, I think — with a lion on a leash,” he told the San Francisco Chronicle. “I drank them out of a glass, and they put the martinis on a soup plate for the lion. I maybe had about a dozen. The lion, he kept lapping them up until he just fell asleep.”

To Beef or Not to Beef?


Out latest ES poll is still active, and since the original query was after the jump, some of you lazy folks may have missed out on round one.

Just so you know, this is a big deal, with my very beef-eating future at steak (haha).

After several epic struggles with cooking grass-fed beef, I threatened to give up, but of course, not without asking you guys first. Details of the struggle, with some damn helpful comments, are here.

So what do I do, dear readers? Give the grass one more chance, go back to the good stuff, or get my Hindu on and leave the bountiful bovine world for good?

[poll id=”6″]

Photo: Whyfiles

The Fierce Urgency of Now


Yo yo gangstas – if you haven’t voted yet, today’s your last chance to submit nominees for the 2008 Bloggie Awards. If you love you some endless simmer, please consider hooking us up with some ‘best food blog’ award love.

For ideas on other blogs to vote for, check out the comments here. Happy voting!

2008 Bloggie Awards.

Photo: Per Crucem ad Lucem

That’s It, I’m Off the Grass


Even though I love me some Cadbury’s, kiwis, and Mahi-Mahi, I try to be a good organic locavore, I really do. I’ve quit the big chain supermarkets and now shop almost exclusively at the Park Slope Food Co-op. I eat New York apples and drink Long Island wine. But there’s one thing I’m just not sold on: grass-fed beef.

I’ve never been much tempted by the lure of vegetarianism, but there is one stat that has always grabbed me. According to some hippie I met in college or something, you could feed 80 percent of the people in the world on the corn and soy we feed our livestock in the United States. Basically, if we stopped needing our cows and pigs to be so fat and delicious, we could instantly wipe out hunger worldwide.

Well the co-op has a vast array of grass-fed beef products, and I feel like these local meats are probably less likely to give me mad cow or e coli or whatever we’re supposed to be scared of this week, so I felt obliged to give it a shot. My first attempt was this steak. I even compensated for the low-fat content by topping it with avocado butter, but as I previously reported, it smelled like dog food and was way too chewy.

After the jump, my very meat-eating existence is at stake, and you have a say.

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