The Answer Key

When I tell my ES readers that all will be revealed Monday, I generally mean it, just not this time. So I got a little lazy, sue me. It’s the summer anyways.

Ok, I admit this wasn’t the most revealing mystery food ever. The picture was taken close enough so as to resemble either cat food or wet peanut brittle. The reality? When 80p is cooking, think fish. In this case, salmon.


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Name That Food!

Last time we played this game, everyone came up a little short, but at least there were some real good guesses.

This meal is probably impossible to guess, although some of you freaks of food knowledge will probably get pretty close. We’ll reveal the full details again on Monday.


Here’s Waldo


Congrats to Jeb for amazingly picking out the right person, commenter JoeHoya. Here’s a closer pic of JH, probably taunting Bobby Flay.

Jeb, you win the right to brag in this post only.

Where’s Waldo?


Here’s a fun game for the end of the week.

In this picture of Food Network’s recent Throwdown with Bobby Flay featuring Granville Moore’s chef, Teddy Folkman, find the longtime ES commenter, JoeHoya.  You’ll remember, JH scooped this story months before air-time.

Winner wins something.

Artsy Photo of the Day

Crab Guac

8:32 PM – Picture taken

8:35 PM – Clean Plate

Recipe post jump

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I Have Crab Cakes

Yes, these were already eaten

One thing that I will never be accused of is being motivated. I don’t mean that I don’t want to succeed, or put the work in to do it. I mean that in the social sense. I’m not a social planner. If there is a party or a event, I’ll go, but only when pushed to do it. It’s not that I don’t like the people I hang out with, I’m just lazy. Put a TV, the Internet and a bowl of chips and salsa in front of me, and I’ll show you want it means to be sedentary.

But this Monday, I was forced out of my element. Gansie had Monday off as a prize for working overtime to plan a conference. For days, we discussed possibilities and settled upon, what else, food. Not just any food, either, destination eating.

Our destination? Jimmy Cantler’s just outside of Annapolis, MD. Anyone reading in DC, it’s only about a 45 minute drive, depending how long it takes you to get to highway 50 East. But eating fresh seafood on a picnic bench by the water truly made it feel like we were on vacation.

This is the point in the blog post where you may feel the urge to write scathing comments…

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