This Week at the Farmers Market: Rhubarb — It’s What’s for Breakfast
If you were anywhere near a farmers market this weekend, no doubt you spotted yourself some rhubarb in all its glory. You can grow rhubarb during the summer but we’ve hit peak season for this leafy plant right now. It’s best known as a pie filling since the red stalks become sweet when baked (like some ex boyfriends I know). But their natural tartness always comes through and they can be used in savory dishes such as on pizza, as a chutney, or in salad with some goat cheese.
Eating pie for breakfast is great the day after Thanksgiving, or after a night of wild sex, say, but for some reason there are other desserts that are much more acceptable as everyday morning meals. God knows why pie didn’t make the cut, but thankfully scones are one of those treats that are A-OK to eat before 11am. And they’re extremely easy to make (not to mention cheap). I adapted this recipe for Rhubarb Vanilla Scones from one of the sexiest food blogs out there, Food52. Make ’em quick, before rhubarb season peaces out… This should give you about 12 scones.
Rhubarb Scones
- 3 stalks of fresh rhubarb — Look for stalks that are thin, red, and crisp. If stalks are floppy, they be old.
- 2 1/2 cups flour
- 8 tablespoons unsalted butter — I use vegan Earth Balance Buttery Spread because it’s just better for you in every way. Eeal with it.
- 1/2 cup sugar
- 1 tablespoon baking powder
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
- 2/3 cup half-and-half — You could use soy half-and-half if you want to be totally awesome.
- 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
- Preheat oven to 425.
- Slice rhubarb into 1/4-inch piece and toss the pieces with 3 tablespoons of the sugar in a small bowl until they are coated.
- Combine flour, baking powder, and salt together in large bowl.
- Work butter(y spread) into flour mixture by hand with a fork until butter is the size of small peas.
- Blend in remaining sugar. Add rhubarb.
- Combine vanilla extract with half and half and then blend with sugar and rhubarb until a dough forms.
- Transfer dough to floured surface. Pat and flatten into a disk about one inch thick and cut into 6-8 pieces.
- Arrange on ungreased (or parchment papered) cookie sheet and bake about 20 minutes or until light brown on top. Let cool for 5 minutes before serving.
So good with jam or butter(y spread). You can freeze these if you think you won’t be able to eat them within two or three days, but you could also make friends with your next door neighbor and or that hot guy at work by giving them away when they are fresh.