What’s the Deal With Christmas Cookies?
I should probably know this as an American. But I just don’t understand the whole Christmas cookies thing.
When I was five my mom revealed that Santa didn’t exist. She made me swear not to tell my Christmas-celebrating friends. Every time a friend mentioned Santa I would smirk, but play along. It’s not easy being a Jewish kid in a Christian world, but that little nugget of truth made me feel special during the red and green take over of December.
I like decorating trees. I like reindeer lawn scenes. I like eggnog. But I just don’t understand the cookie obsession this time of year.
Did it start with Santa’s present of milk and cookies?
Is it as an excuse to turn the oven on to warm a cold house?
I just don’t know. And would love to learn why.
(Photo: Greatest Time of the Year)
I don’t get it either! First off… I loathe cookies… and all things desert. I get grumpy this time of year because everyone is freaking out about getting their cookies done. I even sometimes get invited to “cookie exchanges” where I have to make 5 dozen homemade cookies to then exchange with friends. I end up leaving with literally 6 – 8 dozen cookies to take home… THAT I DON’T EVEN EAT!!! I try to pawn them off on everyone who comes by – take some cookies… why don’t you take a few home with you… OH DEAR GOD PLEASE TAKE THESE COOKIES!!!! The smell of cookies in the house or anywhere makes me gag. Stop with the cookies people! Especially those who don’t EAT THEM!
i let myself make cookies once a year. holiday time is it. for this reason, i get excited to eat a dozen molasses crinkles in one sitting (and makes them smaller & smaller every year). last night, i did just that. ahhhhh. i would like salads for the rest of the week, please 😛
Who could resist all the beautiful decorated cookies that someone spent hours making. They are a true gift of love.
Here’s a tip to Kat … if you’re invited to a cookie swap that you loathe so much … DON’T GO.