by gansie
And the Collie Will Have a Side of Fries
What’s worse than dressing up poor, defenseless babies in Halloween costumes – dressing up poor, defenseless pets.
Please send ES your wacky food related costumes — crazyeats@endlesssimmer.com.
We’ll be sure to share ours.
Here are some of the worst offenders:
continue for more pics
Just you wait for my halloween costume. It will blow these out of the water. *rubs hands together and laughs diabolically*
that turkey baby is amazing. The snowpea does not look happy, but I’m guessing he probably didn’t ask to be a snowpea
how awful is that yellow mustard outfit – worst halloween costume ever.
she could have at least gone as dijon…trash
or as sexy mustard of course
and of course, the store where you can buy ‘sexy mustard’ — new jersey
gahhhhhhhhh sexy abe lincoln!!!
great pics get’em coming
one addition: http://www.cthb.org/pics/misc/hotdog.jpg
Also, I plan on dressing my first born in a lobster onsie and carrying her/him around in a pot. I can’t find the picture I saw, but it is very cute.
hey good girl–
we have that baby on our site!
While the web continues to round up Lobster Trap web pages, we’ll work to recommend them to you.