by BS
Thursday Three: Burns Our Bacons
Is it just me, or have we not had a good ES rant in a bit? Don’t worry, we haven’t simmered down. We promise there is plenty more out there in the big, bad food world that burns our bacons. For now, enjoy three of our favorite BoBs from posts gone by:
Britannia: An Open Letter to the Salt and Pepper Shaker Filler Uppers
Gansie: There is No Such Thing as a Giant Cupcake
Oh, and a bonus rant: The king of having his bacon burned — Anthony Bourdain — has something to say about this year’s James Beard Award nominations, or as Tony calls it, the James Beard “Goat rodeo/awards ceremony/chef shakedown.”
What burns your bacon? Send us a food rant and if it rubs us the right way, we just might publish it!
(Photo: Stuart Spivack)