Cheflebrity Smörgåsbord: 2009 in Review
The Smörg has been bringing you the latest celebrity food news since this past April, so this week we take a look at the best and most interesting stories from each month.
– April: You have to wonder how much pride-swallowing was involved in Anthony Bourdain giving some props to Rachael Ray.
– May: I guess that being President means you get some slack, but ordering a burger well-done is darn near inexcusable.
– June: We found out that it’s actually possible to bet on The Next Food Network Star and that you could have picked up a little bit of walking-around money had you laid a bet down on Melissa.
– July: TVFF engaged in a little idle speculation about hometown chef Jose Garces and came up looking like a foodie Nostradamus.
After the jump…check out the rest of the run-down.
– August: Who’d have thought that one of the biggest foodies of 2009 would be a woman who had her on-air heyday in the Sixties and Seventies?
– September: News about a drunken pizza run by Boris Yeltsin in the Nineties means having a president who overcooks his burgers doesn’t look so bad.
– October: Congrats…becoming a punch-line on SNL means you’ve hit the big-time, Guy!
– November: We found out that manufactured feuds between people who are paid to smile on camera just aren’t that interesting.
– December: There is a strong correlation between taste in casual dining restaurants and taste in skanky Las Vegas party girls.
(Photo: Optical illusion)