The Sound of Food: A Top 10
The professional kitchen is a noisy place. Besides constant yelling (and cursing), sizzles, crashes, bangs, flare-ups, and the occasional breakage of glassware by clumsy servers, there is the quiet sound of defeat when food gets dropped on the floor. Yikes. The drawback to an open kitchen is that you are part of the restaurant. Diners are treated to a cooking display and the vibe of a busy kitchen as they enjoy their scrumptious food and drink. But thanks to the noisy hoods that suck up the smoke and some of the sound, they shouldn’t be able to hear all of the f-bombs flying around during service. “Don’t fuck the fish!!” is one of my favorites.
With my ears still ringing from a Helmet concert plus the very unfortunate thievery of my beloved ipod this week (how am I supposed to live?), I thought I would pay a tribute to sound. So here it is ESers: The Top 10 Sounds of Food.
10. The whirl of the Robot Coupe food processor when your emulsion has set.
Nothing better than not breaking your aioli.
9. The crack of an egg.
It sounds like breakfast, one of my three favorite meals of the day.
8. The lighting of a gas burner.
Nothing quite like that whoosh sound.
7. Chopping onions.
There is something calming about the repetitive chop, chop, chop.
6. Whisking in a metal bowl.
It just sounds like you’re making something delicious.