Friday Fuck Up: The Most Fucked Up Week Ever
Editors Note: First of all, I can’t even handle this week. Nine dead from the DC Metro accident, then Ed McMahon, then Farrah Fawcett and now the King of Fucking Pop, Michael Jackson. Well, at least we can end the week on a lighter, well, okay, maybe that’s the wrong word, a sillier note.
Here’s a fuck-up via Twitter from our friendĀ Michael Birchenall of Foodservice Monthly. Michael recently guest starred in our After School Special Blogger Boggle.
fotorules: @EndlessSimmer … will I ever stop making a FU grilled cheese … perfect on 1 side … burnt on the other
EndlessSimmer: great grilled cheese pic – mind if we post it on friday?
fotorules: go ahead … I still ate it … I used to scrape off the burnt part … I don’t even do that any more … it’s an acquired taste
You too can become famous on ES. Just send us a fuck up. Oh, come on, we know you have one!
That always happens to my grilled cheese. I thought it was normal….
wait…I have burned many a grilled cheese in my day, but how do you have one side burned and one side so perfect?
ps – poor farrah only got like 20 minutes of press coverage before MJ pushed her out.
Happiest man right now?
Mark Sanford.
the perfect side is the first side … then I flip and forget
I’m pretty sure the Iranian government is secretly killing all our celebs as a means to get themselves off the front pages
@ BS Diabolical! Ed McMahon, Farrah, and MJ all in the matter of 48 hours? I think you’re on to something!
I think the hard part is always that the second side cooks much faster. It seems to take about half the cooking time, I guess because the pan is much hotter by then.
i 2nd 80 proof. i don’t believe in “preheating”, this is always the problems.
Like 80 Proof says, you’ve just got to adjust for a hotter pan…I have pretty much conquered this fuck up, but I still can’t escape the fact that every time I make pancakes the first one turns out shit. Anyway, MJ may have been king of pop, but it’s been just over a year and I’m still more devestated about George Carlin than any of these people.
I think the hard part is always that the second side cooks much faster. It seems to take about half the cooking time, I guess because the pan is much hotter by then.