by BS
Never Miss a Word
Can’t wait for comments of the week? In case you haven’t noticed, we’ve been doing a little housekeeping and added a Recent Comments tab over there on the right sidebar. Now every time you surf over to Endless Simmer, you can check out who has been commenting today. Just click on the name to go directly to the comment.
And keep those comments coming! Without your endless feedback, we’d be nothing more than a simmer.
(Totally random steak porn: Rkzada, from the ES Flickr Pool)
I’m expecting an extra-long “comments of the week” section in light of your neglect last week, BS!
and BTW, I fucking love the recent comments bar. My favorite new ES addition. (wow I’m cursing a ton today!)
To add to the cursing, fuck you, Brendan. That picture is torturing me slowly. 2.5 more weeks! 2.5 more weeks!