Hot Potato!
And I’m not talking about those boring potatoes, I’m talking about the much more fabulous and way more flavorful sweet potato. They are just as easy to cook, plus they are orange and more nutritious. Yet they are often ignored or associated with Thanksgiving. Adding marshmallows is definitely de-lish, but sweet potatoes are much more versatile – try this recipe and see how good Hot and Spicy Sweet Potatoes are!
Cut sweet potatoes into strips
Coat in olive oil
Shake a good amount of Chili Powder all over the strips
Bake in the oven, throw them on the grill, or even cook them in a skillet!
Every way is good!
Trivia: Are Sweet Potatoes and Yams the same thing?
See answer after the jump!
“Most people use both terminologies to refer to a sweet potato, when neither of these two vegetables is related!
The true yam is not marketed or grown widely in the United States. Where it is marketed, is usually in Latin American markets.”
—The Sweet Potato vs. The Yam
By Jennifer A. Wickes
sounds de-lish indeed…but I can’t believe you called potatoes boring. I have 312 Irish relatives who would like to disagree
I feel ya and GO IRISH! I just think that everyone tends to
forget about the pretty lil orange sweet potato so I felt bad for it
I’m actually just coming around on this whole sweet pot. craze (do I smell a trend alert or is this already over) and I loved liza’s spiced and grilled rendition.
we have this BBQ joint down here called Q Shack that does an awesome sweet potato french fry..
Had some cajun sweet potato fries at Mr. Bartley’s Burger Cottage in Cambridge, MA, near Harvard when we were up there for a wedding last month. They were good, not great.
we are gonna put the sweet pot. to the test, gansie trying to slice & spice it
have fun you guys