Cocktail O’Clock: Breaking The Law

August is known for vacations. For hot, lazy days. And honestly, there’s really nothing better to do than get into some trouble. It’s fine. August is meant for mistakes.

Try this criminal cocktail from The Summit Bar in New York City.

Breaking The Law

1 oz Don Amado Reposado Mezcal
1 oz Dimmi Italian Cordial
3/4 oz Chipotle Agave
3/4 oz Fresh Lime Juice
Lime Zest for Garnish

Muddle cucumber slice with orange bitters in a Collins (tall) glass. Using cocktail shaker filled with ice, shake spirits and lime juice, and strain into serving glass. Top with soda, and garnish with fresh lime zest.

Find more summer-y cocktail ideas in Endless Cocktails.

(Photo: Summit Bar)