A few weeks ago, my parents came to stay with our son, and my husband and I headed off to a lovely bed and breakfast in Virginia, because sometimes, when you have small children, that’s what you’ve got to do. As expected, it was awesome, particularly the breakfast portion of the whole bed-and-breakfast gimmick. On Saturday, we were also given a picnic lunch which we enjoyed from the comfort of our king-sized bed. Included with the lunch were two cans of…wait for it…sparkling Juicy Juice. Yes, that’s right. Sparkling juice beverages have now officially hit the mainstream. One of them even came in a blue can.
Some might turn their noses up at such a commercial hijacking of a formerly high-brow concept, but not me. As a child of parents who missed the hippie movement by ten years but refused to let that stop them, I grew up drinking R.W. Knudsen’s Spritzers. I am particularly partial to peach. Since then, I have sampled any sparkling juice I can get my hands on. If Juicy Juice wants to jump on that train, I say welcome aboard.
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