Why Organic May or May Not Be the Answer


While my dad likes to cook, he likes to make things easy on himself. For instance, he’ll take one night and make it a total marathon in the kitchen so he doesn’t have to cook every night the rest for of the week. Totally normal. I get that. I do it too. Everyone does. It makes sense.

But then there’s the pre-chopped, double vacuum sealed, organic garlic from China.

Organic is good, right? We want to ingest food that has not been grown with chemicals. It’s the right thing. It’s better for our body. It’s better for our planet. And usually we can buy this type of food from a local source. But then there’s the organic from half way around the world.

My dad is starting to climb that local food hill and is well into Omnivore’s Dilemma, but still cares more about not having to peel garlic cloves. So he buys garlic cloves that have been peeled, packed in a plastic wrap in groups of four, then packaged in a larger plastic bag. A lot of plastic. A lot of waste. But it’s still organic. Yet it’s been shipped from China. But it’s still organic.

What the fuck are we supposed to do?

Reason #237 Why You Should Shop at the Farmers Market

garlic on the stalk

When I was a girl I thought farming was the dorkiest thing ever. Who would want to be in the middle of nowhere (hello?!?! malls?!?!) with animals and vegetables and have to be up early to do weird manual labor stuff? I really wasn’t sure what went on there, but I knew I loved my nails painted and my mornings free.

Clearly there’s been a sea change. While I haven’t quite exchanged my 42-inch TV for a hay stack, I’ve rethought my opinion of farms and farming and farmers. If only for the knowledge of where food comes from and how it grows.

Maybe I’m a suburban girl, but I had absolutely no idea how garlic grows. (I also never knew Brussels sprouts grew on a stalk). I know about garlic scapes, but I never really put together the life cycle. And then I saw garlic on this long, rod-type thing. Tons and tons of garlic bulbs attached to 2-foot rock-hard sticks. They’re actually quite dangerous, as my market companion kept having to excuse me for bumping into people with my garlic rod.

You know what I’m gonna say next: you don’t see this at your local grocery store, folks. So please. Head to the market over this long weekend. Find something new to cook. Learn something about your produce. Stop judging those dorky 4H kids.