by gansie
Yes, Wine Can Save the World
In the craziest robbery attempt this blogger has ever read, an intruder stormed into a Capital Hill patio party, aimed his gun at a 14 year old girl, and demanded that everyone give him money. The hostess calmly asked, “Why don’t you have a glass of wine with us?” He did. He loved the wine. The gun dropped into his sweat-pant pocket and then he left after giving everyone hugs. I swear – wine can save the world.
I should really call you McGee in that picture huh?
Back on topic, while I believe in the mystical power of the crushed grape, I think this guy might just have been batshit crazy.
haha i was just going to say the same thing. geez boobs.
Is it me or does that guy look like Will Ferrell?
Reminds me of Cousin Larry from Perfect Strangers…but maybe that’s just me?