Oil Me Up
As I continue to unpack the very many kitchen toys I have accumulated since my food obsession began, I rediscovered my olive oil bottle. Two apartments ago I tried making garlic infused oil, but the garlic became rancid super quick and I lost interest in the experiment. But with a new, clean apartment, extra rosemary and mostly, wanting to procrastinate from cleaning up dinner (80 Proof made a great citrus-tequila salmon,) I decided to try my hand at flavored oil.
Mostly Rosemary Olive Oil
I trimmed rosemary springs at about an inch long, bruised them a bit in my mortar and pestle and then shoved them down the bottle. Next I added some whole parsley leaves and whole black peppercorns. I cracked a handful too and added them in. Poured the extra virgin olive oil just to cover the herbage and I was done. I had 80 put it on a shelf I couldn’t reach as not to be a disturbance while the flavors mingle.
Check back here in about 10 days to find out how my creation evolved.
mmmm…oil – am excited to see the results…since you are smart at this, I have an oil question..my mom wanted one of those things you have at the top of your bottle (nice pic 80) that makes the oil drizzle out (name?) – so I bought her one at williams-sonoma thinking it would just fit the normal evoo bottle, but it did not! do these things come in diff sizes? is there some sort of standard? is anyone listening to me?
Hey there, Gansie. I’m curious to see how the new batch turns out. I think I’ve read that there’s a multi-part process to keeping the oil fresh for an extended period. If I recall correctly, the thing to do is heat the oil slightly before dropping your bruised vegitation into the bucket, let it sit for a week or so, pull the goodies out of the bucket and strain through a fine sieve, and finally reheat to near boiling in order to remove any incipient bacteria. A bit more work, but worth it if you want to keep that doctored EVOO (I hate Rachel Ray) for more than a couple weeks. Great site, ES crew!
DCD—thanks for the advice (and shout out!) I’ll be sure to post on ES this lazy-woman version’s outcome. Will have to remember your well researched take in the future.
check out this for your mom’s drizzle needs
thanks gansie! but please don’t ever use the phrase “your mom’s drizzle needs.”