Top 10 Worst Halloween Food Costumes
I cannot think of a worse Halloween costume than dressing up entirely in different cuts of meat. If the prospect of spreading salmonella, e. coli and other diseases around you isn’t enough, try fending off all the small critters. Wait a second…this isn’t a costume? Someone actually wore this for real? And to top it off, a group of butchers has actually warned the public about trying to duplicate it this Halloween? OK, so maybe pass on the GaGa-influenced meat outfits. But in that spirit, here are 10 more foodie Halloween costumes we hope no one will duplicate this year.
10. Bacon Tuxedo
“We’ll force a half-smile as long as your promise not to show these to anyone, Mom.”
9. Sandwich Girl
“I said I wanted to be a princess, a ballerina or a witch but a sandwich? Seriously Mom, WTF?
8. Vanilla Bean
Who doesn’t want to pay $109 to look like a decayed banana?
7. Cheesy Couple
Be extremely careful when standing near any heat sources. Nobody wants to explain third degree burns caused by pasteurized cheese product and plastic wrapping.
6. Waffle Man
There are dozens of costumes out there featuring this guy, but the bad graphics, poorly cut photo and unappealing butter/syrup combo helped this costume make the list.
5. Broccoli Roberta
Many kids are scared of broccoli, but now many adults will be too.
4. Mushroom
No matter how many times you explain that you’re dressed like a mushroom, expect people to call you Richard all night.
3. Taco Bell Hot Sauces
Pretty original, but a little odd that they probably spent a few hours writing the ingredient lists across their crotches.
2. Ronald McDonald 2.0
How do you cure childhood obesity? Put a McD’s employee dressed like this under all the Golden Arches to welcome customers.
And the Winner is………………
1. Giant Scary Hot Dog!
There are dozens of hot dog costumes floating around, but this is by far the creepiest wiener ever. His eyes see into my soul.
Top 10 cute food halloween costumes
Top 10 weird food halloween costumes
Top 10 sexy food halloween costumes
Top 10 food pun halloween costumes
(Photos:Mark Ralston, AFP / Getty Images; mcphee.com, coolesthomemadecostumes.com, ricochet.com, wtfcostumes.com; http://patrickmccoy.typepad.com/lost_in_translation/2004/10/index.html)
I love the taco bell hot sauce packets and would have been that for halloween had I thought of it.
@ML I can definitely agree. I was torn on whether the hot sauce and Joker Ronald were great or disturbing. The fact that the ingredient listing should have been on their backs but instead they chose the crotch (most likely to get people to stare) is what moved them onto this list. Check out the Cholula costume: http://www.coolest-homemade-costumes.com/coolest-homemade-tapatio-vs-cholula-hot-sauce-costumes-2.html
aw I think sandwich girl is cute. I def would have rocked that as a kid (or now.) Broccoli Roberta, however, is indefensible.
the banana looks suspiciously like mr. peanut
Worst? 100% of these costumes are hilarious. The vanilla bean’s kinda stupid, but gets by on being totally random. Waffle Man wins for being the #1 creep in the best possible way. Sandwich girl is adorable. HAHAHA, god, I’m still processing this and I love them all.
Love the cheesy couple but I believe it would have to start to smell.
Is it wrong to admit that my husband and I were going to go as the cheesy couple? Here’s the difference: we didn’t need to wear anything special for people to get who we were supposed to be.
“Richard” the mushroom would be especially bad if it’s partner was cream sauce.
@Tim- If you like the guy click on the pic and follow the link. He must have been a professional food costume model in the late 70’s- early 80s because there are dozens of photos of our mustachioed friend as different sandwiches and fruits. My next favorite may be him as an orange: http://www.team-mascots.com/mascots/mascots%20images/PFC05.jpg
so… I’m being broccoli this year, but I SWEAR my costume is gonna be 10 times better than that one! I saw that one yesterday actually when I was trying to figure out how to make mine. There are some terrible broccoli costumes out there.
Do people even know what broccoli looks like?
@Dan-Love that you are doing the broccoli costume- Any interest in providing a pic to the ES crew if it all turns out well?
Sure, I will send one
The hot sauces were definitely creative! And you’re right, that hot dog is majorly creepy.