Do You Have What It Takes to Simmer?
Ever read ES and think “I could write better than this crap?” Well, we’re calling you out.
Endless Simmer is looking to add some new spice to our salty chex mix of writers. If you’ve got something incredibly important tangentially relevant to say about food, drinks, food TV, food-like products, or really anything even remotely food-related, holler at us. We’re looking for writers who can commit to posting at least once a week. Only other required qualifications are a love of eating and a deeper love of running your mouth off about it. Bonus points if you can take spectacular food photos. You’ll be paid a hilariously low rate, plus the likely opportunity to get smashed with us sometime.
Sounding good? Shoot us an email (info AT endlesssimmer DOT com) and tell us about what kind of things you like to shove in your mouth.
(Photo: Mostly About Food)
you guys get paid?!?!?!?! alas, i don’t even have a camera any more.
Nobody better be trash talkin’ my writing! Every word that flows from my fingers is a pearl to be savored! Who are these people?