Burns My Bacon: Unnecessary Jarring
From a recently received press release:
More and more consumers are getting creative when it comes to their food—and not just what they eat, but how they eat it! Mason jar salads are particularly a popular trend on Pinterest with healthy eaters easily able to transport their salad creations on-the-go. Not only is it aesthetically pleasing, but also a healthy solution to many commuters, travelers and busybodies on the move.
No. No. No. Fine, cocktails in a jar can be cute, but it’s overdone. (Keep my beer in a pint glass please.) We decried this trend when it moved on to desserts in a jar three years ago. Now SALADS have to be in a jar too? Apparently this “healthy trend” is not limited to Pinterest, but coming to a restaurant/store near you. Please tell me exactly how jars make salads easier to transport. Who has ever thought, “gee, that tupperware works great, but I wish it could more fragile and also five times heavier?” I’m sorry, people. Eat your goddamn salad on a goddamn plate. And if you start putting my entrees in a mason jar…just expect broken glass.
Nah, I don’t really agree with you. I tend to bring my lunches to work in glass because I’m trying to limit my exposure to leaching/BPA, Mason jars allow you to strategically layer your salad ingredients so that things don’t get mushy (i.e. dressing on the bottom, then legumes, then cheese, then lettuce..etc.). This means you can make 5 jars of salad for the week and grab and go — you can’t do that with most regular plastic containers. And: I bike to work and I haven’t broken a jar yet!
I HAVE seen main dishes in a jar… the whole plate actually! Smoked brisket, topped with baked beans, topped by coleslaw, with a pickle side car! who wants to eat that out of a JAR? Pintrest needs some counseling.
I am with you, B. I’ll let my kids stick with the jarred foods. I like plates. I don’t really like my food to touch, and the whole jar situation just enables way to much food mixing.
I’m behind jars somewhat. I mean, jars have their places. Like, when you need to take soup or a drink (non-alcoholic…?) to work, and want to throw it in your (m)purse and not worry about leakage.They are the ultimate soup transportation vessel.
But sometimes you try to use your glass jars too much and THE BOTTOMS FALL OUT BECAUSE THEY ARE NOT MEANT TO BE USED LIKE THAT.
end rant.