We Love To Cook. And It Shows.


I’m a terrible, terrible gift receiver. And I really hope my family isn’t reading this post. For Chanukah last year I asked for a creme brulee set with a mini blow torch. I don’t know what intrigued me to light food on fire, but I couldn’t wait to caramelize everything that came out of my kitchen.

But because that beautiful set has not been used yet, I didn’t request any gear for the kitchen. I still landed two cutting boards (thanks Mommy and 80P); two books, Watching What We Eat (thanks 80P’s parents) and Alice Waters’ The Art of Simple Food (thanks Justin); a pizza peel (thanks Scott); and a bagel guillotine (thank’s 80P’s parents). And I’m sure I’m forgetting some things.

So besides the neglect of my 2008 presents, I also didn’t ask for anything because I binged purchased for myself recently (and there is >>thismuch<< room left in my cabinets). I cannot deny the allure of thrift store kitchen items. So cheap, so cute, so unique, so unnecessary, which is actually part of the charm.

Above you will see the set of 6 mini bakeware dishes. I don’t know what that kind of canoe-like shape is called, but it was just too cute. I love sets of things. I love that green. And when I have a dinner party for 6 everyone will be able to have an individual side of um, something. I actually already used one for a shallow dip bowl.

More purchases from unexpected brands post jump.


Like I said, I adore sets. I couldn’t help myself. Here are two more sets: one set of two and one set of four. I realize the designs are simple and I can’t really visualize what I’ll use them for, but when I flipped them over I knew I had to have them.

DSC_0618-1 DSC_0622-1

Wow! United Airlines! US Airways! I don’t ever remember flying and being served food in anything but disposable-wear. And shit, I can barely remember being served any type of food or snack at all at this point. I have no idea if this is worth anything, but I think it’s pretty fun having vintage airplane dishes.

I also bought a bundt cake pan. For all that baking. Yea. I know.

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  • Summer January 13, 2010  

    I nicked a tiny stainless steel spoon from a Lufthansa flight on my honeymoon, which was so very long ago, in that idyllic pre-9/11 era, when airline passengers were thought to be trustworthy enough to eat their revolting meals with miniature metal cutlery. That little spoon has lived in my sugar jar next to the coffee maker ever since.

    I’d hoped to start a little collection of airline spoons, but that honeymoon flight was in late 2000, and within a year the airline industry had changed beyond recognition. Somehow the allure of collecting disposable plastic spoons isn’t quite the same….

  • gansie January 13, 2010  

    actually. i think my mom (or dad) did the same thing. i always loved that little Jamaica Air spoon.

  • Britannia January 13, 2010  

    You guys have inspired me, I’m going to seek out all that is British Airways- the only way to fly 🙂

  • dad gansie January 13, 2010  

    yea you’re caught…love all your baking, rather the dips, and best apps better than buring up cookie sheet pans
    wondered where that jamaica spoon went to

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