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The Man Who Eats with Wolves has really stirred up ESers’ appetites. Don:

Yummmmm! I suddenly have the urge to hunt down the cat that digs and pees in my garden and eat its innards. I imagine that if this guy learned anything from his experience it was how to “wolf” his food down.

Sounds like someone’s trying to start a pun-off! If you haven’t caught the wolfman podcast yet, take a listen.

– Thanks to everyone for reporting back on all your foodie holiday presentsBen digs deep for a pepper mill analysis:

As lovely as that pepper mill is (and it is quite lovely), any mill that cannot be operated one handed is inferior. Now, granted, the one-handed mechanisms aren’t always as even, reliable, or voluminous as the unicorn appears to be. The advantage of being able to pepper something I’m stirring/holding/moving with the other hand FAR outweighs any other consideration.

– And reaching back to our list of the most outrageous holiday presents, erica eloquently defends the purchase of a seltzer maker:

i bought myself a (less fancy) seltzer maker for my b-day… it has saved me lots of money over time, and trips to the store (first to buy, then to return for the .$05)… and wasted bottles…

AND it keeps me off the sugary stuff most of the time,
AND it makes this awesome spaceship airlock noise after you carbonate the water,
AND the bottles are BPA free,
AND the liquid hasn’t been transported miles and miles to me in bottles it has sat in for ages in plastic,
AND there’s no additives like in commercial selzer,
AND a big retarded company such as pepsi or coke doesn’t profit from it,
AND oh yea, instant mixer at any time.

i could go on but feel my work here is done.

(Photo: Sodahead)

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  • ORION April 6, 2010  

    Are you crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MORRON

  • Anon December 6, 2010  


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