Video Hott Links: Rapping Pizza Polling Higher Than Ron Paul

Video Hott Links is our semi-irregular high-tech roundup of the tastiest content on the web. In translation, these videos kinda-sorta-not really have to do with food.

[youtube X9DrjybyhLA]

After the jump, some crazy college kids REALLY like spaghetti and meatballs, and the Amateur Gourmet gets a latte lesson.

[youtube L2umG2ngbaI]

warning: the following video may contain babies.

[youtube 6_qAFcKfHiM]

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  • gansie October 11, 2007  

    we are sooo on the cutting edge of blogging

    loving the new feature.

  • Edouble October 11, 2007  

    That rapping pizza scares me–what the f does pizza have to do with Ron Paul and vice versa??

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