Drinking recently at Highlands, a Scottish gastrobub in NYC, I discovered the Blood and Sand, a classic cocktail made from Glenlivet scotch, orange juice, sweet vermouth and cherry liqueur.
I’ve had a couple bottles of scotch sitting around lately (yeah, I’m fancy like that), so I’ve been on the market for some whiskey cocktails that can be made at home. I decided to give this one a whirl, albeit with a few modifications, subbing POM pomegranate-cherry juice for the cherry liqueur (I’m not fancy enough to have that lying around), and summering it down with some club soda.
The original Blood and Sand is a heavy drink that’s perfect for sipping in a dark, winter-y cocktail den. This one can more likely be downed in plastic cups at a picnic.
Summer Blood and Sand
– 1 part Glenlivet scotch
– 1 part orange juice
– 2 parts club soda
– About a tablespoon of pomegranate-cherry juice
Looks: Pretty, right?