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-Thanks for all your iPhone resuscitation tips. Erica even added on a cooking tip:

This pizza sounds yum, i may have to make a batch of almond ricotta and try it out.


I love cherimoya! I’ve been devouring them like crazy since they started appearing at my market a couple weeks ago…the downside, of course, is that I’ve had to give up paying my electric bill to afford them. I only recently discovered them, and will say this: my first thought when eating one was “This tastes like breadfruit smells.” Which is about as awesome as you can get. If I roast breadfruit while I serve guests cherimoya, will they explode?

– Finally, Summer brings up a topic we’re always willing to tackle — picking on Padma:

Here’s an item I’d like to discuss: does anyone else find it odd that Padma named her DAUGHTER Krishna? Admittedly it’s been a long time since my comparative religions class in college, but the last time I checked, Krishna was a god, not a goddess.

And as of this morning, there’s talk of the baby daddy… But it’s not very shocking. It would have been much more interesting if she’d taken Stefan up on his t-shirt offer of “I make good babies.”

(Photo: iVillage)

What’s In Season: Cherimoya


Spring is this close and that means our long winter nightmare of farmers markets with only apples and sweet potatoes is just about over. Hopefully, this will be the first weekend when we show up to the market and say, “ooooh, what the hell is that?!”

To help us decode our anticipated bounty, our pals over at Good Bite have launched a weekly column on What’s In Season, focusing today on something I’ll admit I’d never heard of:

You may have seen this irregular, green, leathery-skinned fruit at the supermarket but it originates from South America. A cherimoya, or custard apple, tastes like a combination of banana, pineapple, and papaya with a cream-colored flesh flecked with black seeds. Cherimoyas should be firm without blemishes, and can be stored at room temperature until slightly soft and ripe. To serve, chill the cherimoya, cut it in half, spoon out the seeds and eat the flesh with a spoon.

As far as cooking, cherimoyas are frequently used in dessert recipes such as custards and puddings, hence the name “custard apple.” Because cherimoyas are in season right now at local farmers markets, next time you see one of these odd-looking fruits, rather than stare at it unknowingly, score a cherimoya to try raw or in one of the following recipes:

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