Cocktail O’ Clock: Cinco De Derby-o
Not sure if you’re aware, but this weekend is one of the biggest events of the year. Why? Well, first of all, we have the holiday to end all holidays, Cinco de Mayo. If that weren’t reason enough to celebrate, another big day falls upon this weekend as well: the Kentucky Derby! At first I was almost angry that these two occasions were combined this year. Why mash two perfectly good drinking events into one measly weekend when you can spread the joy around?
I decided to embrace it, though, and luckily the folks at Maestro Dobel Tequila have a recipe that combines the signature boozy delights of both days into their Agave Julep, a tequila-based twist on the classic Mint Julep. Olé!
Agave Julep
2 parts DOBEL Tequila
8 Fresh Mint Leaves
1 part Agave Syrup
2 parts Ginger Ale
Glass Rocks
Garnish Lime wedge