New Favorite Type of Potato Chip: RIB FLAVORED
Just when you thought the world of meat-flavored junk food couldn’t get any more exhilarating… may I present to you:
Baby back rib flavored chips from Zapp’s. What?! I know. I had never even heard of Zapp’s until I moved to the south, and now they are my very favorite potato chips (even before this rib-flavored discovery!) Made in Louisiana, they’re crunchy, Cajun-made kettle chips with all sorts of great seasonings and flavors—try the Voodoo flavor if you can get your hands on them.
These ribby wonders were discovered via my roommate Eric, who Tweeted about them (complete with Instagram of the bag, of course). We were both home at the time (“the Tweets were coming from INSIDE THE HOUSE!”) so I ran downstairs to sample the wares. Of course the bag was already torn apart and a bunch of chips devoured.
“Sorry,” shrugged my roommate Lisa. “I couldn’t wait to open the bag properly, I just had to tear into it. Literally.”
Fair enough! Wondering what they taste like? Well, kind of like BBQ flavored chips, but with a little more…salty, porkiness to them, I guess. Is it just a placebo effect? Whatever. The more meat-flavored snacks the better, I say!
these demand to be crumbled up and served on top of a casserole.
Potato chip crusted chicken IN THESE PLEASE