Opening Ceremonies: The Cookie Dough-lympics!
Yes, it’s that time again! OK, fine — it’s that time for the first time ever. We’re happy to announce, along with our friends at Quirk Books, the first ever Cookie Dough-lympics! The month-long competition is where the Michael Phelps’ of food bloggers will create the craziest and best recipes — all using Lindsay Landis’s egg-free cookie dough from her up-and-coming The Cookie Dough Lover’s Cookbook.
Although there won’t be choreographed dancing or a parade of nations, tomorrow through June 22nd the doughy flame will burn bright, with one blogger showcasing their cookie dough recipe per day. Cookie dough pizza? Cooking dough pie? Cookie dough cocktails? What do you think, ES-ers?
Stay tuned to Quirk Books, @EndlessSimmer, and @QuirkBooks to view the recipes each day.
We’ll be announcing the winner right here on June 25th. Let the games begin!
i vote a big NO for cookie dough cocktails.
The best recipe for cookie dough is eating it.
I wouldn’t be mad about a cookie dough poptail.
I can’t wait to show off my entry to the Cookie Dough-lympics! The Cookie Dough Lover’s cookbook was so much fun, I didn’t know where to begin. All I can say is, cookie-dough lovers…bring it on!