Eight Sugars in My Coffee, Please
One of the small pleasures of being a stay-at-home mom is that I rarely have to use a travel coffee cup. Sure, I may have to reheat my coffee three times before I make it to the bottom of the mug, and I have a tendency to set my coffee down randomly only to stumble upon it days later, but at least I avoid that perilous first sip from the tiny hole when you just know you are about to burn your lip.
My husband, of course, is not so fortunate, so when I received a sample KeepCup — “the first barista standard reusable cup” — I passed it on over to him for a trial run. His overall assessment was that it wasn’t too bad, although the color scheme made him feel like he was drinking from a sippy cup.
In both of our opinions, however, the greatest thing about the KeepCup is the rubber band/bracelet thingy that came with it. Actually, it came with two of them, in case you and your S.O. don’t like the same kind of coffee, but are too cheap to buy separate cups.
I think the idea of this rubber band is that you take the world’s finest tipped Sharpie, and darken in your coffee preference. Then, you just hand the cup to the cashier and avoid that annoying moment of social interaction wherein you actually tell the barista what you would like to order.
I do have a few questions about this band, though.
1. What the heck is doppio? Is it the marijuana brownie of coffee?
2. What is flat white supposed to mean? It sounds insulting.
3. Why are there 8 spaces for the number of sugars? If you need 8 sugars in your coffee, do you really deserve to call yourself a coffee drinker?
4. What happens if I don’t fill in the word “hot”? Will the barista let my coffee sit out until it is room temperature before giving it back to me?
I do appreciate the KeepCup’s attempt to cater to a wide variety of tastes, though. I see great potential in this concept for the future of those, “I’m with the cause” bracelets. Maybe there could just be one bracelet that lists all possible diseases, and people could just fill in those that they are interested in curing. Hmm…I feel there is a great idea here somewhere. Thoughts?
What if the barista has never seen one of these before, and then you have to put MORE effort out, explaining why in the hell you handed him/her a cup with a rubber thing on it with things checked off….that’s not awkward.
A flat white is similar to a latte but is generally in a smaller cup than a latte (I’m sure it gets more technical than that), they’re a big deal in Oz and NZ.
been seeing flat whites popping up myself – they’re my new “I’m cool, I have my own coffee drink that I order” drink….except yesterday someone asked me what the difference between them and a latte is, and I had no idea.
They’re a little stronger tasting I think – due to less milk Starbucks have the audacity to charge more here in Ireland for them even though they’re smaller!
Haha, unsurprisingly, ML had the same thought I did – I bet if you plunked down your coffee mug with the rubber bracelet thing on it without giving instructions, the barista would just be like “What the?” …like they can’t remember the order if you verbally say “Flat white, eight sugars” or something?
Also, yeah, I’d never heard of a flat white before, and I’m a Seattle coffee drinker. Then again I usually just stick to black coffee or maybe a soy latte if I’m feeling fancy.
I am tempted to try ordering a flat white with eight sugars just to see what happens. What about doppio? Any thoughts?
doppio means double in Italian – it means you want a double shot of espresso
I used to be a barista. Doppio definitely means a double shot of espresso. Flat white refers to to a drink that is similar to a latte except the there is typically less milk and a little less foam. However, if you order this, most coffee chains are going to give you a basic latte just with no foam. The “hot” on the label is probably just there as a formality. Its not uncommon for people to ask for an iced drink in those personal to-go cups though. As far as the sugars go, I once had a regular who put at least 10 sugars in his drink on average. To each his own.
Flat white = so hot right now:
Flat white is basically a latte with no foam. The milk is still frothed but only enough foam to float the crema is used.. Silly Americans…