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Thanks for this even-better Franzia costume, ES reader MonkeyBoy.

Aaron is unsurprised by gansie’s news of the latest from a certain DC restaurant mini-chain:  I hate all of the restaurants that they run – the heights is gross – logan tavern is pretentious.. and gross..somehow, the cunty reception you had at this place doesn’t come as a surprise to me. thanks for spreading the word. i’ll be sure not to go to commissary.


Leah is on board with Radhika, our preseason Top Chef fav: Hmmm…anybody else notice about good chefs coming from Chicago? :) Who says Midwesterners are boring?!?!

– Finally, all of you had a great/frustrating time figuring out what our pun costumes were. Vanessa: Please take me out of my misery and give me captions!

OK, all you spoilsports, the full answers are after the jump.

10: Black Eyed Pea

Via: Starfirerapture

9: Couch Potato

Via: coolest-homemade-costumes.com

8: Bun in the Oven

Via: PrankPlace

7: Deviled Egg

Via: Coolest Homemande Costumes

 6: Pigs in a Blanket

Via: PrankPlace

 5: Dunkin’ Donuts


4: Cereal Killer

Via: OnCostumes

3: I Come in Peas
Via: Frances Graydon

2: Orange Jews
Via: College Humor

1: Chicken Cord-on Blue

Via: Rubrick

Actually, I just thought this was supposed to be Fried Chicken! But nice work, Mark – Chicken Cordon Blue is way better!

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