Welcome to the Millionaires Club
Pop quiz, hotshot. What do the following six blogs have in common: Gawker, Perez Hilton, Huffington Post, Daily Kos, TMZ and endless simmer?
As of today, they are all among the 1,000,000 most popular blogs on the Internet, according to Technorati, which tracks this sort of thing.
When we started five weeks ago we were something like the 8 millionth most popular blog, then we rose to the top 3 million in a few weeks, and now we have broken into the six figures at number 996,318. Any logical analysis indicates endless simmer should be number one by Labor Day.
How can you help? Make us one of your favorites at Technorati, and of course, if you have a blog or website, hook ES up with a link.
UPDATE: !!!!!!!!! We made it to number one! Thanks everyone! We’re the biggest blog on the Internet!
* There is a slight chance this is some sort of glitch. But I’m going with it – we’re ranked number 1.
Photo: Flickr user Witness 1.
We’re number 1 !!!
We’re number 1 !!!
We’re number 1 !!!
well, we’re number 996,318, but you get the idea
I’d like to think the fact that I’ve been checking in at least 5 times a day may have had something to do with this.
I think we can all agree we wouldn’t be here without joe hoya – we won’t forget our loyal fans when the endless simmer media corporation is America’s most feared corporate giant
JoeHoya is clearly “commenter” of the year
Translation: JoeHoya clearly has too much time on his hands.