Endless Poptails: Watermelon Blackberry Margarita

Anyone know if the five-second rule applies to popsicles? It would seem that a perspiring popsicle would probably pick up more microbial friends than say, a fallen cupcake, right? Hmm, it would seem, but to be safe — if your poptail falls on the floor, give it a quick run under cold water and then pour some tequila over it. Fallen poptail saved.

Three days later — no ill effects. I feel fine. The takeaway is that you really can eat off my kitchen floor. In case you’d rather not, you can make your own margarita poptail with this recipe using watermelon, some limeade and a few blackberries for a punch of tartness. And of course, don’t forget the tequila and triple sec. Once you do make this you’ll see why I refused to let my fallen poptail go to waste.

Watermelon and Blackberry Margarita Poptail

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Christmas in August: Pickled Watermelon Rind

Ed Note: Our friend Julia, canning lover and far mar worker, is back to rant about a newly acquired, and blogger-inspired, cookbook. Julia’s previously written about roasted rhubarb and Meyer lemon syrup.

Discovering my inner Southern grandmother has opened up my cookbook addiction in a whole new direction: canning and preserving texts now fill my shelves. Apparently many, many others have also become a part of this “canvolution” (not my word – I swear) and so a whole crop of canning books are popping up. As such, it seems that all sorts of canning bloggers are scrambling to write books to cash in on the craze.

For those of us who love cookbooks, but hate to follow recipes, canning presents a unique challenge in that, not following a recipe or procedure to a “t” can result in some really nasty things.  Like death.  From botulism.  Not a pretty way to go.

As a result, every canning book that I have come across lately has – rightly – dedicated a good amount of space to describing the process of canning safety measures and the history of various methods.

The most recent canning book to my collection, WE SURE CAN! How Jams and Pickles Are Reviving the Lure and Lore of Local Food (courtesy of Arsenal Pulp Press) does not break from that format.  In fact, author Sarah B. Hood spends 60ish pages writing about the history of canning…Then the resurgence of canning…Then the people responsible for the resurgence of canning…. Then the way to can…

And then (YAY!) we get two recipes.

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4th of July Cocktail Cooler Popsicles

This 4th of July we’ve got you ready to stay cool for your summer picnic, and to keep things patriotic we striped your cocktail cooler with Uncle Sam’s signature colors. Kinda.

The striping is a bit messy, but um, so was the test kitchen while mixing. That’s what happens Monday night when you’re mixing, shaking, testing, pouring, more testing—things get a little blurry. The result of that blurry-good-time is a Poptail stamped with our ES Double Seal of Goodness.

The implication of our double seal — Good enough to lick to the stick!

4th of July Cocktail Cooler Popsicles


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Endless Poptails: Watermelon Mojito Popsicles

Tweaking a trend can either make you a hero or a target. Luckily, we ESers are a hardy bunch — so yeah, we’re gonna mess with the beloved Mojito by freezing it.

But before you go bucking it, let us say that from sip to lick the frozen Mojito can confidently double down over its fluid counterpart and take you from cool to sublime faster than you can say freeze! Now that you know we’ve got our Teflon suits on, give it your best lick and let us know what you think.

PS – have a cocktail you want to see turned popsicle? Hit us up in the comment section because you’re currently tuning into our newly started cocktail popsicles series, a.k.a. Poptails. We’ll be featuring a new cocktail on a stick every Wednesday up until Labor Day. Enjoy.

Watermelon Mojito Popsicles


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When Life Hands You Watermelons

Jump in and eat… If only eating was always this much fun.

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