-Thanks for all your iPhone resuscitation tips. Erica even added on a cooking tip:
This pizza sounds yum, i may have to make a batch of almond ricotta and try it out.
– Michael:
I love cherimoya! I’ve been devouring them like crazy since they started appearing at my market a couple weeks ago…the downside, of course, is that I’ve had to give up paying my electric bill to afford them. I only recently discovered them, and will say this: my first thought when eating one was “This tastes like breadfruit smells.” Which is about as awesome as you can get. If I roast breadfruit while I serve guests cherimoya, will they explode?
– Finally, Summer brings up a topic we’re always willing to tackle — picking on Padma:
Here’s an item I’d like to discuss: does anyone else find it odd that Padma named her DAUGHTER Krishna? Admittedly it’s been a long time since my comparative religions class in college, but the last time I checked, Krishna was a god, not a goddess.
And as of this morning, there’s talk of the baby daddy… But it’s not very shocking. It would have been much more interesting if she’d taken Stefan up on his t-shirt offer of “I make good babies.”
(Photo: iVillage)