Attack of the Meme: Eating Arrested Development

The real meme here is the tumblr site Bob Loblaw’s Law Blog: Hipster Arrested Development, where dialogue from the show appears on these funky, arty photos that have nothing to do with the show. Instead of listing those (kinda lame/not funny) pics, here are some amazing quotes from the hysterical, cult show.

Top 10 Food and Drink Moments from Arrested Development

10. Breakfast of Champions, Runner Up

(Photo: Lizdexia)

9. Don’t Mess With Eggs

(Photo: Arrested Development GIFs )

8. Juice, Motherfucker

(Photo: The No Name Shoppe)

7. Damn It, Google

(Photo: Texts from The Bluth Company)

6. Breakfast vs. Family

(Photo: Meditation in an Emergency)

Next: Top 5 Food and Drink Moments from Arrested Development

All Attack of the Meme