ES Okra, Okra ES – An Introduction

Smothered Okra

A couple of weeks ago, I finally decided to try the 3-dollar-per-pound okra that is sold in decidedly environmentally-unsound styrofoam packaging at the local Latino corner store, Bestway.  I grew up eating okra.  I’m not sure which branch of my mother’s family tree the okra eaters were on, but it was apparently a staple food of mother’s childhood and thus it became a staple of my own.

My mother typically made her okra smothered in a mixture of: hot peppers, tomatoes, chili/cayenne powder, caramelized onions and garlic.  I wanted to try something a little different so I looked to ES, hoping someone had blogged about venturing into uncharted territories with okra dishes.  In short, I looked to ES for inspiration (as I often do) and made a startling discovery….

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Butternut Cranberry Fusion (Or, A Procrastinator’s Guide to Thanksgiving in February)


The fact is, I’m a procrastinator.  I told gansie way back around Thanksgiving 2008 that I would share this yummy butternut and cranberry squash springroll recipe with the ES crowd.  And I had all the elements waiting: a ton of pics of the prep, a pic of the finished product, testimonials from other t-day attendees about how substantially delicious the springrolls were, a link to the recipe that inspired me, all but the actual text of this blog post.

And I let it sit… and sit.  I did everything but write this fucker.  I wrote a post about another subject in the meantime.  I kvetched about this and that in a gagillion comments on ES.  I made fun of (and bragged to others about) Gansie’s egg obsession.  I sent her and BS links to important food related articles.  I’m terrible.

And today I’m finally writing this frackin recipe down, frackin finally because I have to write a VERY IMPORTANT document to save babies around the world or some such thing, and I’d really rather procrastinate by writing down my overdue, Thanksgiving recipe for ES.  I was rather proud of how the recipe turned out, but posting it seemed like an awful lot of effort after having put forth so much effort doing the actual cooking.  Mehhh….

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